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Jailbreak Wiki
Why can I not buy this?

The content featured on this page is no longer obtainable in Jailbreak. It is now exclusive content that can only be obtained through trading, and it is unable to be purchased by non-owners.
Became unobtainable on: March 8, 2020.
Same face, different name.

The following Jailbreak vehicle or robbery has been renamed. This was likely done to avoid copyright, or follow Roblox community guidelines. This was because prior names took directly from real-life car brands or were simply not allowed on Roblox due to age restrictions.
Former in-game name: Bugatti.

This page is about the retired and oldest Bugatti car. For its obtainable successor, see Eclaire. For the first seasonal Bugatti, see Beignet. For the second seasonal Bugatti, see the Macaron.

The Brulee (formerly named Bugatti) is a now-unobtainable hypercar in Jailbreak, added in the Jewelry Store Update of June 4th, 2017. It is the former fastest vehicle in the game, beating even the Torpedo, yet losing to the Scorpion.


The Brulee is notable for setting several speed records upon release, its top speed and reverse speed being the most notable. The records have since been broken by the Falcon S, Patrol, Drone, Black Hawk, and the now removed Blade in reverse speed, and the Scorpion in top speed.

When the Brulee was retired, along with the Steed and Mighty, it received pinstripes going along the length of the vehicle, which could not be changed or removed, being a mark of its service. However as of September 5th, 2021, and the second "5 Days of Vehicles" update, the pinstripes were removed and replaced by a plaque saying "CLASSIC". This has also happened with other retired vehicles.

Prior to its retirement, due to its convenient spawn location and excellent performance, the Brulee was an amazing getaway car after robbing the Jewelry Store, where it spawned at the time.


The Brulee has the second highest top speed and fourth highest reverse speed in the game. Its launch and acceleration are good, though outclassed by most hypercars. Its other stats such as handling, off-roading, and braking are average.

Similarly to the Torpedo, the Brulee can never truly reach its true top speed due the time needed for acceleration and the curviness of Jailbreak's roads. However, it is still able to reach very high speeds if given enough time. Even to this day, its overall performance is solid when compared to other vehicles.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
With a top speed of 414 MPH, the Brulee is the second fastest vehicle in Jailbreak, just behind the Scorpion. However, without usage of Rocket Fuel, it is impossible to reach this top speed with the range the map provides; at the very best, it can reach approximately 320 MPH. The Brulee has the fourth-fastest reverse speed of 120 MPH, and the third-fastest in all of land vehicles. It is slower than Patrol, Falcon S, Drone, and, due to its nerf, the Black Hawk.
At roughly 56 MPH, the Brulee has a fast launch speed, though it is mediocre for a hypercar. It beats supercars such as the Stallion and La Matador but is beaten by most other hypercars, excluding the Macaron, which it is tied with. The Brulee's low end acceleration is quite fast, however, its acceleration slows down considerably above 200 MPH. This allows for younger hypercars like the Torpedo and Eclaire to outpace it. It takes more than 2 minutes to reach its theoretical top speed.
As of February 2024, the grip has been reverted to how it was when this vehicle was first released. It is slippery while turning and easily loses speed. Ground clearance is decent when using high suspension, and hill-climbing ability is not bad either. It is better than most supercars and hypercars. Comparable to the Eclaire.
It takes just under 2 seconds to come to a complete stop. This is incredible for the second fastest car, but it is the fourth worst of all supercars and hypercars, being slightly slower than La Matador and faster than Scorpion, Stallion and OG La Matador. An unknown patch has since nerfed the Brulee's HP to 75. Comparable to the Eclaire.

Update History

This information has been compiled manually. Not all updates, patches, or hidden updates may be included.

Update June 4th, 2017:

  • Added the Bugatti.

Update March 8th, 2020:

  • Retired and replaced with the Eclaire.

Update April 8th, 2021:

  • Renamed from "Bugatti" to "Brulee".

Update September 3rd, 2021:

  • Unintentionally increased grip, allowing for easier control at high speed.

Update September 4th, 2021:

  • Removed pinstripes, slightly nerfed grip.

Update November 4th, 2022:

  • Top speed nerfed to (480-403 MPH).
  • Reverse speed nerfed to (130-117 MPH).

Update February 2nd, 2024:

  • Slightly nerfed grip.


Visual and audible media relating to the Brulee.

Visual Gallery

Atmosphere / Without Stripes

Current images of the Brulee.

Atmosphere / With Stripes

The Brulee after retirement.

HD / With Stripes

The Brulee after retirement prior to the Atmosphere Update.

HD / Without Stripes

The Brulee prior to retirement.


The look of the Brulee before all the lighting updates.


The Brulee upon release in the Jewelry Store Update, which features stripes.


The teaser images of the Brulee prior to release.


The Brulee taken for the Customization Update.
The Brulee taken for the Official Release Update.


The thumbnails featuring the Brulee.


The Brulee's retirement along with the Mighty and Steed.


The notifications of the Brulee after retirement.

Eclaire Discount

The Eclaire discount for previous owners who owned the Brulee.


The Brulee's GUI found in game.


The Brulee pictures, as seen on Twitter.

Eclaire vs. Brulee

A side-by-side comparison between the Brulee, and its replacement, the Eclaire.

Audio Gallery

All sounds are from the stock (non-upgraded) vehicle unless stated otherwise.

Normal Maximum upgrades
The idle engine noise.
Accelerating and decelerating.
Accelerating and decelerating in reverse.
Reversing with a level 5 engine and level 3 brakes.
Drifting around corners.
Idle engine noise in a tunnel.


  • This vehicle appears to be a simplified, more blocky version of the Bugatti Veyron and its range of variants.
  • Upon initial release, the Brulee had black stripes from the front to the back. Later, the stripes were changed to semi-transparent, and then eventually removed.
    • A similar pinstripe decal was given to the car after it was retired nearly three years later.
  • When the Brulee was first retired, the pinstripe decal announced by the developers was nowhere to be found. It was eventually added in a Miscellaneous Update a few days after the main update, only to disappear again less than one week later.
    • In the first edition of the pinstripes, the stock license plate was changed to say "THE OG" (The original). Even since the decal's re-addition, this unique plate has not returned, instead of bearing "ABC DEF" like most other vehicles.
      • This has since been re-added in another miscellaneous update.
  • The retirement of the Bugatti was hinted at after asimo3089 replied to a Twitter user asking any other vehicle to retire except for the Mighty and Steed. asimo3089 replied saying it starts with the letter B.
  • There was once a picture of the Bugatti on the right side of the Starter Pack; however, Badimo replaced it with a Pickup.
  • After the October 7, 2022 update, the Brulee has a hood-cam since the Brulee doesn't have an interior.
  • Being a classic retired vehicle, it has a plaque on the back reading "CLASSIC".
    • This trait is shared with other retired vehicles such as the Steed, Mighty, Posh, Megalodon, and Classic.
    • The Airtail says "RETIRED" on the back instead of "CLASSIC", most likely due to being a newer vehicle.

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Brulee has a 6-speed transmission.
  • The Brulee is the second vehicle with this engine sound, after the La Matador, and followed by the Eclaire, Surus, and Challenger.
  • The Brulee is the first and only vehicle to give owners cash (Cash Icon200,000) upon retirement. This was done to offer a discount for the Eclaire.
  • The Brulee is one of the two vehicles in Jailbreak to get an official replacement vehicle, along with the Posh.
  • The Brulee was among the first group of vehicles to be retired, alongside the Steed and Mighty, followed later by the SUV and Megalodon, then the Posh, and then the Classic and Airtail.
  • The Brulee’s alternate name is based on the popular French pastry, Crème Brûlée.
  • On December 12, 2022, the duration of Eclaire's obtainability period surpassed that of the Brulee.
    • The Brulee was purchasable from June 4, 2017, to March 8, 2020 for a total of 2 years, 9 months and 4 days, while Eclaire has been available for purchase from March 8th, 2020 until present day.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets