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The Cargo Plane is one of the moving heists in Jailbreak released in the 2019 Winter Update, alongside the Roadster, a winter-themed map, and skydiving.


The Cargo Plane can be found landing at the Bounty Bay Airport. The plane used to land after the Police had called one in or when it spawned by itself every 7 minutes. It spawns into the map when there are 7 cargo crates on the big X on the side of the runway next to the terminal building. As of the Season 18 Update, the option to call the plane is removed and it spawns when Robbery Group B is open in the rotation.

When the plane lands on the big runway at the Airport, it will open its rear door for about 20 seconds and load crates inside its cargo bay. After all cargo crates have been loaded, the rear door closes and prepares for takeoff. It will take off quite slowly, not even reaching the speed of the Camaro.

While the plane is in the air and has taken off, criminals will have to wait a few seconds before inspecting cargo crates. There are a total of seven cargo crates, with six standard cargo crates and one special cargo crate containing a keycard. Players can only collect one cargo box per Cargo Plane robbery, however they can still get a keycard if they continue inspecting crates. Crates will disappear when inspected, even if the player already has a keycard. Once their box is obtained, players can leave the plane by opening the rear door. They must then jump out, skydive and parachute to the ground, or spawn a vehicle with the Mobile Garage while standing at the rear door to glitch. Finally, players must make their way to the Crime Port to collect their cash reward.

In the Fall 2023 Update, the Cargo Plane now spawns inside the map alongside the Power Plant and the Passenger Train with the new robbery system. The path was also changed to allow the plane to enter and exit the map faster than before.



The Cargo Plane enters the map from the east of the map. It then flies to the left of the map over the ocean circling around the former location of Bounty Island before landing at the Bounty Bay Airport. When the Cargo Plane takes off, it flies over the Secret Agent Base and over the Rising City. Then it flies over the desert/dunes and over the Prison leaving the map towards the left of Crater City. This path is similar to that of the Private Jet.


Upon takeoff, the plane leaves the Airport, slowly gaining altitude for the first twenty seconds, and then enters a steep climb. It will begin a steep ascent when passing Bounty Bridge. When passing the Power Plant, it curves to the northeast as it passes the Museum parking lot. The plane then turns northwest and passes near the Rising City Gun Shop. Around this point, it reaches a height that cannot be reached by any aerial vehicle in Jailbreak (except for the Jet and Stunt). The plane flies roughly parallel to the highway underneath until reaching the road that leads to the Mountainside Town, following that road until reaching the Mountainside Town Gun Shop, where it flies over Cactus Valley and then after that flies over the Crater City Airport then straight after the plane flies over Crater City.

Robbing the Cargo Plane


These are items that may be useful or necessary for the Cargo Plane heist.

  • Weapons: Police may be waiting at the airport or camping on the plane, so it is recommended to bring weapons in order to fight them off. However, this is very rare and the airport is usually empty.
  • Jetpack: Very useful to have before, during, and after the robbery. For example, if players are boarding the plane late, and plan to land on the top, a Jetpack can help them fly onto the plane quite easily. After exiting the plane, the Jetpack still proves helpful, being a faster mode of travel than parachutes. It's also helpful to fly away from Police Officers if they are waiting for Criminals.
  • Glider: Able to get you to the Crime Port to complete the heist if a player doesn't have a vehicle.


There are two ways to enter the Cargo Plane: through the rear door or through the top hatch.

The rear door is the most common and easy entry method, opening shortly after the plane lands at the Bounty Bay Airport. Players will be able to walk into the plane from here and await takeoff. It stays open for about 25 seconds before closing automatically, prior to the plane launching.

The other method of entering, using the top hatch, is usually only used in last-second situations; if players arrive at the Airport just as the plane is taking off, the top hatch will be the only entry as the rear door will be closed. To open the hatch, players will have to finish an "E" prompt to make the hatch swing open, and then they will be able to drop into the plane. A keycard was originally required to open the back door, but as of the 2nd day of the Return of 5 Days 5 Vehicles Update, a keycard is no longer required to rob it.


  • A keycard is still required to open the top hatch.
  • There is 1 keycard in the whole plane, and because you have only enough time to open 6, There is a 6/7 chance you get one each time. To open either hatch manually, players will have to finish an "E" prompt to make the hatch swing open, and then they will be able to enter or exit the plane.
  • Since the map got expanded you have enough time to open 6 crates so you have a better chance to get an keycard.
  • You no longer need a keycard to press the lever.

Inspecting Cargo Crates

Shortly after the Cargo Plane takes off and leaves the Airport, the cargo crates will be available to inspect. Simply hold E (press and hold on mobile, hold Y on XBOX, hold on the PlayStation) and complete the prompt circle in order to finish inspecting them. Once completed, players will either receive a keycard or a cargo box.

When receiving a keycard, a noise will play, but it will not appear in your inventory if you didn't have one already; this can be fixed by inspecting another cargo crate or glitching out and waiting a few seconds.

The cargo boxes are a smaller, handheld version of the cargo crates, and is the primary object for the heist. Once obtained, players should begin making their exit out of the plane.


Officially, in order to escape the Cargo Plane, players have to open the rear door. Before the third day of the Return of 5 Days of Vehicles update, players had to use keycard to open the rear door, and could've inspected cargo crates for the chance of finding a keycard. Players with the premium garage game pass could have spawned a car and that would noclip through the floor of the plane, although this does not work today.

Once the door is opened, players will be able to jump out of the plane and make their escape. Note that the rear door will begin sucking players out of the plane while it is open, making it quite inconvenient for those that had not yet collected their cargo box. If players need to remain inside the plane while the door is open, either sprint towards the front of the plane or get behind a crate until the door closes.


After exiting the Cargo Plane, players must deliver their cargo box to the cargo collection area at the Crime Port. They must skydive down (or drop to the ground with their vehicle if glitching out) and then head to the Crime Port (near the Rising City Criminal Base) to redeem their cash. The collection area is located near the Ray spawn, and can be identified by a big "X" on the ground and cargo crates stacked up behind it. Once walked/driven into, the cash will be collected.

Tips and Tricks

  • Be aware of Police when arriving at the Airport. Although this is unlikely to happen, it is possible that they are nearby.
  • Make sure to check the number of crates on the 'X' mark at the airport. Starting from 2 crates, one by one the crates will appear. The last crate takes roughly 3 minutes to spawn. When all 7 crates are present on the 'X' mark, the Cargo Plane will spawn, and land at the airport in about one minute.
  • If forced to board late, remember to get on the top of the plane as soon as possible (The Cargo Plane eventually flies above the vehicle height limit and surpasses the top speed of any aerial vehicle, unless players use a Jet, which can surpass the height limit and is capable of catching up with the Cargo Plane) and have a Keycard in order to open the hatch. Players need to get on top before the plane has cleared the runway; as once it is on a slope, it is practically impossible to get a vehicle on top of it.
  • If seemingly nothing happens after inspecting a cargo crate, that means that the crate gave a Keycard. Should this occur, inspect other crates until a cargo box is received if there is enough time to do so.
  • Players can search a maximum of 6 crates before the plane goes out of bounds.
  • If the player is fast enough, you can jump out at the Museum. As such, it is recommended to purchase the Boxer or Badger as they spawn at the Museum.
  • If you ram a car into the closed rear hatch of the Cargo Plane and jump when the car is directly under the hatch, you will be able to glitch in the plane.

Cash Amounts

Gamepasses After Fall 2020 Update Before Fall 2020 Update
Crates Any Crate Regular Crate Special Crate
Default Cash Icon4,000 Cash Icon4,000 Cash Icon6,000
VIP Gamepass Cash Icon4,800 Cash Icon4,800 Cash Icon7,200
Tier 2 Bigger Duffel Bag Gamepass Cash Icon4,000 N/A N/A
Tier 2 Bigger Duffel Bag and VIP Gamepass Cash Icon4,800 N/A N/A
Tier 3 Bigger Duffel Bag Gamepass Cash Icon4,000 N/A N/A
Tier 3 Bigger Duffel Bag and VIP Gamepass Cash Icon4,800 N/A N/A
Tier 4 Bigger Duffel Bag Gamepass Cash Icon4,000 Cash Icon5,000 Cash Icon7,500
Tier 4 Bigger Duffel Bag and VIP Gamepass Cash Icon4,800 Cash Icon6,000 Cash Icon9,000


  • "The Power Plant, Cargo Plane, and Passenger Train will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!" (Notifies the player who has the BOSS Gamepass)
  • "Bring a cargo crate here from robbery!" (Standing in the cargo crate collection area without a crate in the Crime Port)
  • "You already have a crate!" (After inspecting a crate when already holding one)
  • "You've already robbed this time!" (After turning the Cargo Plane in and trying to rob it again)
  • ”The Cargo Plane is inbound!” (Notifies the player who has the BOSS Gamepass) (removed)
  • "Only police can call the plane!" (Attempting to call the Cargo Plane as a criminal) (removed)
  • "You need a keycard! Check crates..." (Attempting to open the Cargo Plane's rear door without a keycard) (removed)
  • "Wait {number of seconds} seconds." (Cooldown for police to call the Cargo Plane) (removed)
  • "A cargo plane is already flying!" (Police attempting to call a Cargo Plane when it's already flying in the map) (removed)


Visual Gallery


The exterior images of the Cargo Plane.


The interior images of the Cargo Plane.


The render of the Cargo Plane made by Jailbreak fans.


The images relating the the Cargo Plane prior to the HD Racing Update of February 2nd, 2020.

The teaser images of the Cargo Plane prior to release.


The thumbnails featuring the Cargo Plane.


The GUI for the Cargo Plane.


The Cargo Plane crates and drop-offs.


A map indicating the Cargo Plane's route.

Audio gallery

Name Sound
Armed Robbery (Thierry Laurent Caroubi)
The ambient sound of the Cargo Plane.
The sound when getting a crate.


  • The Cargo Plane appears to be partly based on the Antonov An-70 & Airbus A400M.
    • The An-70 is a prototype troop transport air carrier for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • The length of the Cargo Plane is longer than the height of the Rising City Bank when placed vertically, according to a tweet by asimo3089.
  • The cash reward for the special cargo box was originally going to be Cash Icon8,000, as stated in a tweet by asimo3089. However, due to unspecified reasons, this amount was changed to Cash Icon6,000 (standard) in the update release.
    • This was later reduced to Cash Icon4000
  • There was previously a bug that would let the players escape the plane by running into the rear door without opening it with a keycard; the glitch was patched in the Cybertruck Update.
  • Before the Cybertruck Update, there were small separations in parts of the plane's fuselage. It was possible to see through these cracks to look into the interior of the plane.
  • There is a bug where during take-off or in-flight, players are forced towards the rear door, unable to move forward or inspect a crate. This can be counteracted by standing in front of a crate, however, it has a slim chance of working.
    • This can be done by removing the crate from the hands by activating the Jetpack and spamming the crawl button, the I and O buttons, and the jump button. Players should get a pattern like this: C + I + Space + C + O + Space. They then should be able to glitch out of the plane halfway through. Keep spamming the buttons until players are kicked out of the plane, skydiving but in the borders.
  • Before the Oceans/Ship Update, Criminals had to turn in their crate to the Rising City Criminal Base to redeem their cash.
  • When it exits the map, it slows down and does a weird flip and turns around back toward the map. It moves slowly and then disappears.
  • In the November 2020 Update, players could rob up to 16KG of Cargo (2 Crates) but only one due to the GUI being glitched.
    • asimo3089 later confirmed that it was a visual error.
  • Sometimes, after the Cargo Plane lands at the Airport, instead of its rear doors opening, it will stay still. After a few seconds, the door will open. This is a very rare occurrence.
  • Shooting a gun at the rear door of the Cargo Plane will create green bullet holes, instead of the usual black bullet holes. This may be due to the rear door's mesh or color scheme.
  • Not a lot players know that the Crates will despawn at the crate spawn point when the Cargo Plane has landed with its door open.
    • This is likely due to players mostly stay at where the Cargo Plane door will open.
  • The Cargo plane does not retract its landing gear for the full duration of its flight.
  • In the Fall 2023 Update, the Cargo Plane has been classified as Group B, opening alongside the Power Plant and the Passenger Train. In this update, the option to call the plane was also removed.

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Cargo Plane is the third moving vehicle-based heist to be added to Jailbreak, after the Cargo Train and Passenger Train, fourth being the Cargo Ship & fifth being the Bank Truck.
    • The Cargo Plane is the only robbery to take place in the air so far.
  • This is the second heist in the game to be affiliated with the expansion area after the Power Plant and third being Cargo Ship.
  • The Cargo Plane is the fourth plane in the game. The first being the Stealth Jet, the second being the Stunt, third being the Jet. and fifth being the Private Jet.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets