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The Cargo Ship is a moving heist in Jailbreak, and was added in the Cargo Ship update.


To rob the Cargo Ship, players are required to get any aerial vehicles containing a rope and fly to the ship, and have the rope remain in contact with a cargo crate for around 1.3-2 seconds to latch onto the crate. Dropping the crate into the water will cause it to despawn, making the player lose the crate.

However, robbing the Cargo Ship is further complicated with the turrets (guns) mounted on the ship, one on the bow and one on top of the control tower. These turrets fire explosive projectiles at a player's vehicle, which can damage the player and disable the aerial vehicle they're in. Players must avoid getting hit by the rockets as much as they can while grabbing the crates with the rope, or risk the helicopter or UFO being disabled, possibly losing the crate in the process, or being killed by the turrets.

Once a crate has been stolen, it can be dropped off at a warehouse near the Crime Port. If players jump inside the warehouse, they will take damage and die. Criminals can rob two cargo crates per Cargo Ship. Attempting to collect and rob more than 2 crates will not give the player any money, and the crate will simply disappear.

Police officers can also "rob" the Cargo Ship, but in a more unusual manner; they must pick up a crate, just as criminals do, but instead of dropping it in the warehouse, police must drop the crate into the water to receive cash. This will result in a "robbery protection", in a similar manner as the Passenger Train. Police have no limit on how many crates they can drop into the ocean. However, after a certain amounts of crates being dropped by the player, they will also not receive cash.

After the Challenger was added in the 5 Days of Vehicles Update, Badimo buffed the Cargo Ship payout by 25% for criminals and Police officers. The Cargo Ship's payout was then doubled in the Season 4 Mid-Season Update, but it spawns half as often.

In the Fall 2023 Update, the Cargo Ship now spawns inside the map alongside the Cargo Train and the Tomb with the new robbery open system.

In Season 20, the Cargo Ship robbery reward was halved, now giving Cash Icon$3000-Cash Icon4000 per crate. Police that drop crates into the water still get the old amount. According to the Update Log, the Cargo Ship now “closes” the robbery group that it is in.


The Cargo Ship enters the map near the 3 wind turbines close to the Pirate Hideaway and sails on the ocean around the coast of Jailbreak. It blows its horn when it passes the Bounty Bridge, Bounty Bay Airport and the Bounty Island. Shortly after passing the Island Prison, it floats out of the map boundary before despawning close to the Prison mountains.

In the Fall 2023 Update, the path was changed to allow the ship to enter and exit the map faster than before.

Robbing Process

Flying towards the Cargo Ship

Players must obtain a helicopter or UFO and fly towards the Cargo Ship. When players hear a loud horn, it means the ship is inbound, although it might be already in the map or leaving it, making it harder to keep track of where it might be. Although, after the Return of 5 Days of Vehicles Update, there is always a marker for player to locate the position of the ship. The ship fires missiles at helicopters, which players need to avoid. It spawns behind an island located in the ocean; players can find it if they fly straight from the entrance of the Volcano Criminal Base and look on their left.

Picking up a Container

By using a helicopter rope, the end of the rope must make contact with the container. The process is automatic, although not instant, as the rope must keep contact with the container for more than a second while the boat is moving. Players must pay attention to missiles, as they can deal about 1/6 of a player's health and can disable helicopters and the UFO.


After grabbing the crate, fly the helicopter or UFO to the warehouse near the Crime Port, where players can drop the container into and redeem their money. To drop the container, players need to either pull the rope up or lower the helicopter or UFO into the warehouse, but the second option is risky as going too far down can result in the player taking damage. Then, players can repeat the process and deliver a second container.


For Police officers, the process is relatively the same, but instead of delivering the container to the warehouse, they only need to drop it into the water. The crate will disappear and they will receive 10% of a criminal's reward. This process may be a bit hard because the Cargo Ship shoots at police as well. The reward gained is substantially worse than robbing it as a criminal. Just like criminals, police can only drop 2 crates into the water.

Cash Amounts

In the Season 20 Update, all cash amounts were halved for criminals.


After Season 20 Update After July 2021 Between July 2020 and July 2021 Before July 2020 and Original
Cash Icon5,500-Cash Icon6,450 (Default) Cash Icon2,750-Cash Icon3,200 (Default) Cash Icon2,250-Cash Icon2,700 (Default)
Cash Icon6,324-Cash Icon7,417 (Bigger Duffel Bag) Cash Icon3,162-Cash Icon3,679 (Bigger Duffel Bag) Cash Icon2,587-Cash Icon3,104 (Bigger Duffel Bag)
Cash Icon6,600-Cash Icon7,740 (VIP) Cash Icon3,300-Cash Icon3,840 (VIP) Cash Icon2,700-Cash Icon3,240 (VIP)
Cash Icon7,590-Cash Icon8,900 (VIP and Bigger Duffel Bag) Cash Icon3,790-Cash Icon4,410 (VIP and Bigger Duffel Bag) Cash Icon3,104-Cash Icon3,724 (VIP and Bigger Duffel Bag)


  • Cash Icon470-Cash Icon500 (Default)
  • Cash Icon504-Cash Icon536 (Bigger Duffel Bag)
  • Cash Icon584-Cash Icon600 (VIP Gamepass)
  • Cash Icon604-Cash Icon642 (VIP and Bigger Duffel Bag)

Tips and Tricks

  • Try your best to not get shot down by the turret. Getting shot down by the turret will disable the helicopter or UFO, like how it does when shot down by players, thus retracting the rope and making the container disappear in the water. This will also leave you severely vulnerable to being hit by more missiles, as you're far slower in the water. It is necessary to dodge the turrets as much as possible.
  • After getting a container, go as far and high as possible, so that the turret will be out of range to hit you. If using the Black Hawk, swerving in circles also prevents the turrets from hitting you.
  • Try to rob this when other people are robbing it. Have two people serve as a distraction for the rockets and another robbing the ship, or vice versa.
  • Collecting a crate is easier if players move in the direction parallel to that of the ship.
  • Avoid carrying passengers while attempting to rob the Cargo Ship. As asimo3089 said in a tweet, if a helicopter carries two or more players, the two turrets will aim at that helicopter as they are limited to aim at only one player at once.
  • Avoid contact with the sides of the ship with the rope as there is a chance the vehicle will get stuck and will give the turrets time to damage players.
  • It is recommended to not rob the Cargo Ship when it is outside the boundaries of the map, as players can lose health by being out of the map's boundaries.
  • Shoot down police that have helicopters. If a criminal does not shoot down police helicopters, they can steal their crates and throw them in the water.
  • Use the Little Bird or Escape Bot whenever possible to minimize the chances of the turrets hitting you helicopter.
    • The Little Bird is faster, smaller, and easier to access than the normal helicopter, and is cheaper than the Black Hawk, and is able to dodge the rockets easily due to its small size. If you use the Black Hawk, its speed can be helpful for quick getaways, but its large size makes it more prone for rockets to hit it. The Helicopter has too low of a top speed for quick getaways. The Little Bird has a speed between these two helicopters while being smaller, and is a good balance between the two.
  • To grab a crate quickly, it's recommended to match the speed and direction of the Cargo Ship.
  • It's recommended to try to attach the rope to the end of the container. This makes it easier for the container to come off the Cargo Ship while also maximizing the payout.
  • If the Cargo Ship is nearly out of bounds but you still want to rob it twice, grab a container and drop it somewhere discreet (so it won't get stolen) on land (so it won't disappear). Grab another crate, drop it into the warehouse, then go back to the place you left your first container. Pick it up and deliver it to the warehouse as well. Cargo containers don't despawn very quickly, but it is still best to do this procedure swiftly to prevent the crate disappearing or being found and stolen.
  • If someone owns the Delorean, they can distract the Cargo Ship's turrets while the other criminals get the cargo containers.
    • The Delorean is useful because it can easily reach the Cargo Ship since it can drive on water, but you aren't able to rob the ship using the car.
  • It is also worth noting that when one acquires a crate after the ship despawns from the map, they will not get money from handing it in. Hence, it is important to finish robbing the Ship before it despawns.


  • "The Cargo Train, Tomb, and Cargo Ship will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!" (Notifies the player who has the BOSS Gamepass)
  • "The Cargo Ship is coming!" (Notifies the player who has the BOSS Gamepass) (removed)


Visual gallery

Cargo Ship

The current images of the Cargo Ship.


The images of the Cargo Ship's turret.


The images of the Cargo Ship's crates.

The teasers of the Cargo Ship prior to release.


The old Cargo Ship route across the map.


The Crime Port Warehouse robbery marker.


The Cargo Ship's silhouette.


The notifications featuring the Cargo Ship.


The thumbnails featuring the Cargo Ship.

Audio Gallery

Robbery With Violence by Thierry Caroubi
The Cargo Ship shooting its rockets/missiles.
The horn sound that plays when the Cargo Ship has entered/exited the map.
The Cargo Ship alarm.


  • After the Oceans/Ships Live Update, a 2D silhouette of a Cargo Ship appeared, slowly moving in the ocean on the boundaries of the map, which led to many speculations that this was going to turn into a robbery.
    • After the release of the heist, the silhouette can still be seen in-game.
  • The crates do not have collision boxes when it is on the ship, meaning that they could be walked through. This is shown as the crate can go through other crates when it is latched onto a helicopter's or UFO's rope.
  • Unlike other robberies, criminals can rob the Cargo Ship twice, meaning if they rob it twice, they can get a total of about Cash Icon11,000 - Cash Icon17,800.
    • This is changed in Season 20 update. Nowadays, players can only get up to Cash Icon8,000.
  • Behind the Cargo Ship's tower, there are two green buttons, which currently have no purpose and cannot be interacted with. Many thought these buttons could be used to deactivate the turrets, though this was confirmed to be false.
  • As asimo3089 once said, the Cargo Ship's trip always starts near the wind turbines near the Pirate Hideaway.
  • The shooting and explosion sounds of the rocket in the Cargo Ship shares the same sound with the Rocket Launcher.
  • On the final day of the 5 Days 5 Vehicles update, the cash reward for successfully robbing the Cargo Ship was buffed by 25%. And was buffed again in the Season 4 Mid-Season Update.
  • The developers once said, the Cargo Ship will not go through the Bounty Bridge and dock at the Crime Port.
    • This is most likely due to speculation from many players, though also likely so that players could not damaged by the turrets by simply being too close to the ship on land.
      • The turrets can still damage you if you are on land, but are easier to dodge.
  • The Cargo Ship uses the same water particle as the Jet Ski and Cruiser, though it is much larger than the aforementioned two.
  • As of December 2020, the Cargo Ship, Passenger Train, and Bank Truck are the only robberies Police can rob in the name of “Robbery Protecting”.
  • It is possible to survive standing on the Cargo Ship, either by sitting behind the control tower on the back of the ship, hiding inside the crates, or standing on top of the turret at the very front of the ship. Doing the third option will result in the turret repeatedly blasting the sky, not harming you.
  • For some reason, the police can also shot at by the Ship's missiles, even though they are protecting the robbery, likely because they are still taking the crates and are seen as players in the game’s code.
  • If the Cargo Ship despawn from the map and you still have the container on your rope, if you deliver it to the Crime Port normally, it will not give you money. Also, if you have the robbery markers and music options turned on, the Cargo Ship soundtrack will not stop playing (it will even repeat several times) and the warehouse robbery marker will remain on your screen even though you do not have a container. The only way to fix this is to wait for the Cargo Ship to spawn again and rob it again.
    • However, if you pick up a container after the Cargo Ship despawns, neither the music nor the warehouse robbery marker will sound and appear. The container will still not give you money.
  • Interestingly, if a player only has the Bigger Duffel Bag or VIP Gamepass, the VIP gamepass gives a higher payout.
  • In early January 2021, the Cargo Ship was essentially impossible to rob, because when a player took a container, it disappeared, not allowing players to turn in crates to the warehouse or drop it into the ocean and receive cash. About 2 weeks later, the glitch was fixed, however, it came back for a short time until it was definitely patched.
  • The Cargo Ship can pop car tires with its missiles.
  • The Cargo Ship is the largest vehicle in the game. It is so large, in fact, that its length is longer than that of the Rising City Bank's height. It is also taller than the tallest building in the Rising City, which used to be the Penthouse apartment.
  • If a player get hit by a cargo crate, they will take damage and ragdoll.
  • As of March 2022, the music that plays when grabbing a crate has been changed due to copyright issues.
  • In the Prison Update 2023, the Deep Sea Aquarium furniture was added. Inside, a shipwrecked model of the Cargo Ship can be seen.
  • After the 2023 Fall Update, Cargo Ship has been classified as Robbery Group D, spawning alongside the Cargo Train and opening with the Tomb.

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Cargo Ship is the first and the most recent aquatic heist added to Jailbreak.
  • The Cargo Ship is the fourth moving heist in the game, after the Cargo Train, Passenger Train and Cargo Plane and before the Bank Truck.
  • This is the first heist to have a self-defense weapon, being the turrets.
  • This is the first robbery where having a vehicle is mandatory to rob, in this case being a helicopter.
  • This is the third cargo-related robbery added in Jailbreak, after the Cargo Train and Cargo Plane.
  • This is the only robbery where players can steal another player's cash while in their possession.
    • This can be done if another player drops their crate onto land, then you use the helicopter rope to latch the crate onto it. Then, you can turn the crate into the warehouse at the Crime Port.
  • This is the third non-drivable boat in the game. The first being the Ship that dropped off the Sword, and the second being the shipwreck at the Bounty Island.
    • It also contains the first unusable weapon in the game: the Cargo Ship's turret.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets