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Jailbreak Wiki
Did this thing get a makeover?

This vehicle has been remodeled, as its previous model was outdated compared to newer vehicle models.
Remodeled on: August 7, 2021.
Same face, different name.

The following Jailbreak vehicle or robbery has been renamed. This was likely done to avoid copyright, or follow Roblox community guidelines. This was because prior names took directly from real-life car brands or were simply not allowed on Roblox due to age restrictions.
Former in-game name: Wraith.
This content is gamepass exclusive.

This content is locked behind a gamepass, which must be purchased with Robux to access.

Not to be confused with the seasonal Celsior or the purchasable Sentinel.

The Celestial (formerly the Wraith), is a gamepass-only vehicle that was added to Jailbreak in the Weapons/Items Update. It can seat up to three people: a driver, passenger and Turret operator.


The Celestial is a fast car, but not as fast as a supercar. To use the vehicle or the turret, the player must have the BOSS Gamepass, which costs GoldenRobux425. They can additionally use the turret if they have the SWAT Gamepass which also costs GoldenRobux425. Before, anybody could use the Turret until an update which restricted its use to owners of the SWAT or BOSS Gamepass.

The Celestial can be found in 2 locations; the Rising City Criminal Base and the Volcano Criminal Base. This vehicle is more of a tactical vehicle that allows players to utilize it in police chases or driving combat. If the driver is able to maneuver it properly, they can quickly turn the car around while still moving backward, and give the player on the turret a chance to get a shot at the vehicles in pursuit.


While it is rather difficult to judge this vehicle in terms of performance due to it costing Robux, the Celestial is considered slightly above average in performance, with decent acceleration and average top speed and good handling. Just like the relationship between the Torpedo and Arachnid, the JB8 and Raptor or the La Matador and Surus, the Celestial is around the same speed as its Police counterpart, the SWAT Van. A unique feature this vehicle possesses is a minigun on top of it for a third player to utilize, although it is more of a miss than a hit in terms of usefulness as it only deals 2 damage per shot, and has a rather long reload time. In long term, the Celestial is an additional bonus to the Boss Gamepass. While it is recommended to buy this gamepass, the Celestial is not the main reason why they should. Sometimes when off-roading, due to Turret and overall weight of the car, it can tip over and slow you down.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse Speed
The Celestial has top speed of 166 MPH. It can beat Boxer, Cybertruck and Ambulance. It ties with Posh and loses to Jackrabbit and La Matador. Decent reverse speed of 61 MPH, it beats La Matador and ties with Posh but loses to JB8.
Its launch speed, once again, is around average. Not the best or worst for getaways. It can reach 48 MPH. Comparable to the Striker and Sentinel. The acceleration is fairly decent. It still compares to many low-tier vehicles and some medium-tier vehicles. It can take a while to get to the top speed, mostly it takes a time of 15+ seconds. Comparable to the Striker.
Very good handling, but not the greatest. Due to the Celestial's lower top speed, it handles excellent at any speed. The turning is also very well and stable. It is stable while cutting through dunes and medium-sized obstacles. However, the Celestial struggles in larger obstacles such as steep hills. However, high suspension improves off-roading by a large margin. Overall, it's not too bad.
Brakes quickly, within one to two seconds. Due to its heavy mass, it tends to slow down quickly but it is easily behind higher tier vehicles such as supercars and hypercars. As an armoured vehicle, the Celestial is slightly beefier than the average vehicles in-game with 125 HP. Additionally, occupant only take 80% of the damage, much like the Striker.


HD / With Interior

Current images of the Celestial.

Spawn Points

The Celestial at its spawn points.

HD / Without Interior

The Celestial as of the Atmosphere Update of May 2020.

HD / Spawn Points

The Celestial at its spawn points.


The Celestial before all of the lighting updates.


The teaser images of the revamped Celestial prior to release.


The teaser images of the Celestial prior to release.


The toys related to the Celestial.


The videos of the Celestial.


The thumbnail featuring the Celestial.


The GUI for the Celestial.


  • When asimo3089 first introduced the Celestial on Twitter, it did not have the turret on top of the car. Badimo then tweeted out a picture of a mini-gun on the Celestial.
    • Despite the Celestial having a turret, it does not appear in the garage GUI.
  • asimo3089 said on Twitter that this was one of the hardest vehicles to make in Blender.
  • When first released, passengers could operate the minigun without the BOSS Gamepass or the SWAT Gamepass but Badimo removed that feature just a few hours after the live update. Players now have to own the BOSS Gamepass or the SWAT Gamepass to operate the mini-gun.
  • This vehicle received a slight speed buff after its debut in the game.
  • This could be used to get out of the Museum without pulling the lever by putting the vehicle next to the back window, along with the Surus, the SWAT Van, and the Volt (previously with the Blade) as well as any long vehicles.
    • This has been fully patched.
  • The toy version of the Celestial features retractable roof-tops, which however, it doesn't have one in the game.
    • This is most likely for play purposes, if someone were to seat a Roblox figure inside the toy.
  • On the vehicle spawn GUI, the Celestial is shown without the Turret.
  • If Robux translates to Jailbreak cash, the Celestial would cost just under Cash Icon25,000. The same goes for the SWAT Van.
  • When the Celestial was renamed, instead of having a completely new name like other renamed vehicles, it was given the same name as the Roblox Jailbreak toy - the Celestial.

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Celestial is the only gamepass vehicle to have a name change in Miscellaneous Update 103.
  • The Celestial is the second vehicle to cost Robux, the first being the SWAT Van.
    • The Celestial is also the second vehicle that features a turret, along with the SWAT Van, Bank Truck and Goliath. The Striker is the fourth and latest vehicle to include a turret.
  • The Celestial is the first Rolls-Royce vehicle to be added in the game, second being the Celsior and third being the Crown.
  • The Celestial is the first car in the game to use the secondary body color feature.
  • The Celestial is the fourth British-based car in Jailbreak, after the Mighty, Megalodon and Classic, and the fifth being the Airtail, the sixth being the MCL36, the seventh being the Celsior and the eighth being the Snake.
  • The Celestial is the second vehicle in Jailbreak with 3 seats, after the Dune Buggy, third being Ambulance, fourth being JB8, fifth being the Airtail, 6th being the Bank Truck, 7th being the Deja and 8th being the Bandit.
  • The Celestial's toy version features a removable roof. However, the Rolls-Royce Wraith, the car which the Celestial is based on, is unavailable with a removable roof in the game and in real life as well.
    • However, there is a model in the Rolls-Royce lineup that does, the vehicle being the Rolls-Royce Dawn. Thus, it can be assumed the toy is actually a Dawn, and not a Wraith.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets