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The Concept is a concept car in Jailbreak. It was added on September 4, 2021, as the last vehicle of the Return of 5 Days of Vehicles Update.

The vehicle is the most expensive currently in the game, costing an astonishing Cash Icon2,500,000. It can be found in the Showroom in Rising City, close to the basketball court and the Rising City Bank.


Based on the Ferrari Modulo concept, the Concept has a futuristic and unusual design. It features a blue light strip moving up and down the vehicle, spanning the car's entire width as headlights and includes a light bar in the rear as taillights. A unique feature only available on the vehicle is a light strip that travels across the windows from the front to the rear, most likely related to aerodynamics.

In addition to the futuristic styling, the Concept includes four seats. The Concept shares some similarities to the Torero.


The Concept is one of the fastest vehicles in terms of overall top speed, being faster than most of the vehicles, only behind the Eclaire, Carbonara, Jet Ski, Brulee, Javelin, Parisian, Torpedo and Scorpion. Previously, the Concept was slower than a few other hypercars, having a top speed of only 277 MPH (tying with the Eclaire and Beignet) before it received a buff in the Summer of 2022.

Acceleration is adequate though the Roadster and Volt do better in a quick escape. Though still being able to easily hit high speeds of up to 270 MPH, the Concept's reverse acceleration and launch is actually superior to its forward acceleration and launch. The Concept's reverse speed is also great, and can hold its own with most hypercars.

Both the brakes and launch speed are excellent. The handling is decent, although it can be hard to control the Concept at higher speed properly, and it can be prone to flinging, potholing on the bottom of slopes at high speeds, and popping wheelies while braking due to its design.

In summary, the Concept is an excellent vehicle. While the Concept excels in overall performance, it is expensive. However, because it has 4 seats, coupled with its superb performance, it is a reliable vehicle for playing in a squad.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
The Concept has incredible top speed of 313 MPH. It is only slower than the Parisian, tied Eclaire and Carbonara, Iceborn, Javelin, Torpedo, Brulee, Jet Ski and Scorpion making this the 8th fastest land vehicle and 9th fastest vehicle overall as well as the second-fastest obtainable car. One of the fastest reverse-speeds in game, topping off at 80 MPH. Slightly behind the Torero, but beats Parisian and is tied with Eclaire and Aperture.
Launch speed is far ahead of the Eclaire and Torpedo, but the Roadster and Volt outperform it. It reaches 75 MPH in a second, comparable to the Torero. The Concept's acceleration is incredible. It can reach 200 mph in 7 seconds which is similar to the Aperture and takes around 11 seconds to reach 250 MPH and is slightly better then the Javelin.
Has smooth handling overall, however, being at a value of 1.4, it is tricky to make sharp turns at speeds over 250 mph. It is somewhat comparable to the Aperture and Stallion. The Concept is one of the best offroading supercars in the entire game, rivaling the Successor and Torero. On high suspension, it navigates train tracks very well and can climb extremely steep slopes such as the Crown Jewel wall due to it's design and launch.
Due to its odd wheelie braking, the Concept comes to a stop almost instantly even at high speeds. It beats the Eclaire, and is comparable to the Successor but losing to the Roadster. The Concept has a below average health of 75. It ties with a vast majority of other hypercars while beating the Volt, but loses to both other Ferraris in the game, the Stallion and Bloxy.


Current images of the Concept.

Teaser images of the Concept prior to release.

Audio gallery

Normal Maximum upgrades
The idle engine noise.
The idle engine noise with a level 5 engine. No changes
Accelerating and decelerating.
Accelerating and decelerating with a level 5 engine and level 3 brakes.


  • The Concept, along with the Torero, are the only vehicles released in the Return of 5 Days of Vehicles Update not to be community-creations.
  • This is the most expensive vehicle in the game, costing Cash Icon2,500,000.
    • This is the first vehicle to exceed the Cash Icon1,000,000 price limit, the second one being the Scorpion.
  • The Concept shares its engine sound with the Fiasco and the Crown.
    • It also has unique attributes, such as a trail effect and a light strip that appears whether the car is accelerating forward or backward. The direction of the light strip also changes depending on which way the vehicle goes.
  • Toggling the headlights can enable or disable the lights on the side of the vehicle and the interior screens.
  • Changing the window color changes the color of the light strip. The window itself changes as well, though it is hard to notice.
  • The only way to change the visibility of the light strip is to change the window tint.
  • The Concept is the fastest 4-seater in the game, making it an incredulously viable option for gameplay.

Miscellaneous trivia

  • The Concept is the second Ferrari car in the game, the first being the Stallion and the third being the Bloxy.
  • The Concept is the second concept car in the game, the first being the M12 Molten and the third being the Proto-08.
  • Its in-game and real-life prices are very similar, only having a $200,000 difference, as the real-life Modulo costs $2.3M.
  • The engine sound for the Concept is most likely sourced from the Lamborghini Countach as heard at the start this video.
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