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This page is about the currently obtainable Cash Icon1,000,000 propeller powered hovercar. For vehicle it replaced, see Blade.

The Drone is an aerial vehicle in Jailbreak. Added on November 8th, 2020, it serves as the replacement of the now-removed Blade.

Costing Cash Icon1,000,000, it spawns in the parking space of the 1M Dealership that once held the spawn of the Blade, after the vehicle was removed.


The Drone is a compact aerial vehicle. It has two horizontally spinning propellers on both sides and one vertically placed propeller at the back. Its side scissor doors look similar to that of the Blade and open in the same way. There are various light strips placed around the Drone, such as under the windshield, under the doors, and one continuous strip going around the back glass.

Similar to the Blade, the Drone also has a helicopter spotlight at the front. It has a higher altitude limit than the Blade and Crew Capsule, but its altitude is lower than the other aerial vehicles, such as the Black Hawk.

The Drone's small size makes it great for entering and exiting the Volcano Criminal Base, which is great for people who are robbing the Power Plant.


The Drone performs similarly to the late Blade, with instantaneous acceleration, powerful launch speed, good maneuverability, and respectable braking power.

The Drone's top speed is slightly faster than that of the Black Hawk, but slower than those of the Blade and Jet. The speed at which the vehicle's height increases and decreases is rather slow, leading to the Drone often ramming into obstacles as it may not go over them fast enough.

Overall, the Drone is a great aerial vehicle, and goes faster than many other vehicles due to its hovering ability. The vehicle is well worth the Cash Icon1,000,000 price tag, being incredibly quick and relatively small, making it great for getaways. Despite this, the Jet can be a better option for its higher performance if one is used to its controls, or the Black Hawk for its slightly lower speed but higher capacity, rope, and flying instead of hovering.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse Speed
With quite a high top speed of 140 MPH, and having the ability to hover over obstacles, it can beat most other vehicles in practical situations. The Drone's top speed is about slightly faster than the Classic, Fiasco and Mighty. It's about the same as the Camaro. However, it's slightly behind the Model 3, Steed, and Ray. The Drone's reverse speed is faster than even the Brulee, since the reverse speed is the same as the top speed. It's only slower than the Falcon S. This means the Drone has the second-fastest reverse speed in Jailbreak.
The Drone has very powerful launch, giving it a powerful burst of speed. It is comparable to the Desert Crawler. It can reach 64 MPH in single second. Like its launch, acceleration is near instantaneous, beating almost every other vehicle. Comparable to the Volt, Black Hawk, and UFO.
Max altitude
The handling is similar to the Blade. Featuring good turn speed and maneuverability, it is easy to control at any speed. However, as the Drone speeds up, the turning circle becomes wider, which makes it slightly more difficult to maneuver in tight spaces. Moreover, the Drone can often get stuck on vertical surfaces due to its low altitude. Due to its hovering mechanics, the max height depends on the ground level it flies: the max altitude will lower or heighten if the ground is lower or higher. When only the vehicle's distance from the ground is referred, its altitude is rather low, tying with the Blade. It is lower than the Helicopter, Little Bird, and Black Hawk, but higher than the Celsior and the Crew Capsule.
It has good stopping power, which is ahead of most vehicles. The Drone takes around one second to come to a full stop, which is comparable to the Stallion, Black Hawk, and Little Bird. With an HP of 50 and a disable duration of 15 seconds, the Drone has the worst durability possible, tying with Celsior and Crew Capsule.


Visual and audible media relating to the Drone.

Visual gallery


The current images of the Drone.


The teaser images of the Drone prior to release.



Work in-progress

The Drone in the making leaked by the developers.

Audio gallery

Drone idle engine noise.
Accelerating and decelerating.


  • The Drone does not have a rope ability, even though there is a GUI for it if the player is a passenger inside the Drone.
    • asimo3089 later explained the absence of a rope on the Drone is due to the rope being longer than the Drone's maximum altitude.[1]
  • Originally, asimo3089 planned to release some teaser images days after the making of the vehicle on Blender.
    • This was delayed because asimo3089 wanted to make sure the vehicle was perfect.
  • Many people thought that the replacement was going to be a Delorean, a highly requested vehicle by the community. asimo3089 confirmed in a tweet that the vehicle will not be a Delorean.
    • However, the Delorean was added in the Winter 2020 Update as a land vehicle that had the special ability to drive on water.
  • In the comments section of a teaser post for the Drone made by asimo3089 on the Jailbreak subreddit, he confirmed that the vehicle "drives the same as the previous vehicle."[2] It can be reasonably assumed that the "previous vehicle" being referred to here is the now removed Blade.
    • While this statement is true in concept, as both are hovering vehicles that prioritize speed, ease of control, and compactness over height and capacity, the stats on the Drone ended up being very different from the Blade. Notably, it had a much lower top speed (140 MPH for the Drone as compared to 164 MPH for the Blade).
  • asimo3089 confirmed in this tweet that the vehicle has a unique design and was designed by himself.
  • asimo3089 has also hinted in this tweet that the vehicle is being called the Drone.
    • This was confirmed after Badimo released the teaser images in a tweet.
  • Meshes of the Drone were leaked before release on Reddit and were popularized by Jailbreak YouTubers.
  • The propeller sound of the Drone is near-identical to that of helicopters, but the sound system functions much like the Blade. When idle, the propeller sounds are low-pitched, but when it starts moving, the propeller sound gradually becomes higher-pitched.
    • However, the propeller sound is the same as the Helicopter if a player is not driving and the same as the Little Bird when a player is driving it.
  • The Drone is the most-purchased Cash Icon1,000,000 vehicle in Jailbreak, as confirmed by asimo3089 in the Jailbreak Discord server here.
  • The Drone is as fast as the Cargo Plane.

Miscellaneous Trivia

General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

