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Jailbreak Wiki
Jailbreak Wiki
Features Button

Features are specific actions that players can perform in Jailbreak. Many of them serve important purposes to the game, while some act as a balancer to other in-game features.

List of Features

Vehicle Features

Vehicle Features are features that players can perform while driving a vehicle. This is a list of vehicle features that are currently in Jailbreak. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Feature Description
Deja Icon
Drifting is used to swerve around objects in vehicles, making a loud screeching noise. It is enabled by tapping or holding Shift while in a car, by spamming the left and right buttons, or by pressing the brakes button on the right sidebar. This can sometimes decrease the speed of the vehicle. All vehicles leave a black smoke trail by default while drifting. The smoke trail can be customized.
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Ejection works in two ways. The first way is exclusive to the Police: to do so, equip Handcuffs, press E on a vehicle that a Criminal is in and hold it for about a fourth of a second. This forces Criminals to be ejected from their vehicles. Doing so only ejects one Criminal per attempt. The second way is available to all players: if the player is in the driver's seat of a vehicle and there are other passengers, the driver can click on their name tags on the speedometer bar to eject them from their seats.
Helicopter Spotlights
Helicopter Spotlights can be enabled by pressing the L key while driving a Helicopter, Little Bird, Black Hawk, or a Drone. Players can use their mouse to control where the light goes and slows down players that are not in cars if aimed at a player. The spotlight is white, except for the Black Hawk where it is yellow. Unlike headlights found on land vehicles, helicopter spotlights cannot be customized in the Garages.
Rocket Fuel
Rocket Fuel can be used to dramatically increase a car's speed, although only a limited supply of them can be used. If angled correctly, cars can fly/hover when using fuel. To buy more Rocket Fuel, players must go to the Gas Station or the Mountainside Town Gas Station and purchase them with Robux. Alternatively, Mobile Garage Gamepass owners can click the Rocket Fuel bar on the bottom of the screen to purchase more. Players get a small amount of rocket fuel for each day they log in Jailbreak (roughly 10), except for VIP Gamepass owners, who get roughly 100. It is also obtainable as a Robbery Bonus Rewards, with 25 rewarded.
Speedometers include the MPH speed of a vehicle, total vehicle driven distance, a license plate editor, the Rocket Fuel's UI, the vehicle damage UI, and a locking and ejection UI. It's located at the bottom of the screen at any time while being in a vehicle driver seat (or in the case of the Jet, the passenger seat).
Vehicle Damage

Full HealthVehicleHealthFull
Half HealthVehicleHealthHalfFull
Empty HealthVehicleHealthEmpty

Since the February 2024 Update, a vehicle healthbar has been added to the speedometer when driving vehicles. Each vehicle has a certain health and disable duration. When a vehicle loses health, part of the bar will turn red and when it has no health, the bar will be fully red and the vehicle will be disabled for however long its regeneration time lasts. For a full list of vehicle health and disable duration times, see the vehicle health values here.
Vehicle Disabling
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Vehicle Disabling can occur when a ground vehicle gets hit by too many bullets or runs into Road Spikes, or if a Police officer performs a PIT maneuver on a Criminal's car. Its tires will temporarily pop. When the tires are popped, the car cannot accelerate until the tires regenerate. Players can use Rocket Fuel to move their car when its tires are popped, but this uses a lot of rocket fuel and is overall impractical. Motorcycles and Aerial vehicles can be disabled similarly to ground cars. Any vehicles/crates it was carrying would be dropped. The vehicle cannot move upwards until the disabling timer is over. If an aerial vehicle gets hit with Cargo Ship or Jet, the aerial vehicle will get disabled as well.
Vehicle Headlights
Vehicle Headlights are seen on all ground vehicles and can be enabled by pressing the L key or pressing the headlights on the right sidebar. If the Police sirens are on, the headlights will flash blue and red. Most vehicles have white-colored headlights by default. Headlight colors can be customized in the Garages.
Vehicle Locking
Vehicle Locking is used to prevent other players from entering others' vehicles. However, the vehicle unlocks itself if the vehicle's driver attempts to enter another vehicle. Locked vehicles take longer to despawn.
Vehicle Passenger Shooting
Vehicle Passenger Shooting is a feature added in the 2018 Fall Update. This feature allows passengers of any vehicle to shoot with most weapons. To keep things balanced, items, along with with the Taser, Rocket Launcher, Grenade, C4, and Road Spikes cannot be equipped while being inside a vehicle. To perform this action, players need to equip a weapon in the passenger seat of any vehicle. This feature does not work on the driver's seat. Players may have a harder time shooting out of vehicles with interiors due to the interiors covering most of the aim.
Vehicle Stereo Gamepass
Vehicle Stereo Gamepass is a feature that allows players to play music in-game. It is accessible while in a vehicle or an apartment equipped with a Boombox. Players can access the menu by pressing the R key, but accessing the apartment's Boombox is as simple as clicking on it. Players can then put in any Roblox audio ID to play songs or other audio files. This was revamped in the 4 Billion Visits Update. There are currently three free music stations that non-owners and owners of the game pass can play music from. However, there is a fourth slot that allows players to put in their music files and create a custom music playlist, which can only be accessed through the game pass.
Vehicle Towing/Rope Carrying
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Players must drive a Helicopter, Little Bird, Escape Bot, UFO or a Black Hawk to use this feature. Use the rope by pressing the G key or the rope button, and the end of the rope must make a contact with a vehicle or a Cargo Ship's container. A bar will pop up showing how long the rope must remain in contact before the rope picks up the object. The object can then be carried anywhere. If a vehicle is being towed for too long, it will disappear from the game. Attempting to tow a vehicle with a driver inside will increase the duration of the bar.

Player Features

For more information, see Player Abilities.

Player Features are features that players can perform. Some of them are exclusive to specific teams. This is a list of player features that are currently in Jailbreak. They are listed in the alphabetical order.

Feature Description
Arresting is a feature that allows Police to send back Criminals to the Prison. An arrest rewards Cash Icon400 (Cash Icon480 for VIP Gamepass owners) to the Police who arrested the Criminal, along with the Criminal's bounty if the Criminal has any.
Bed Drawer
To use the Bed Drawers, Prisoners and Criminals must go to their assigned Prison cell and go near their bed. They will then find some drawers that can be used to store their items and weapons. They must equip the desired item and hold E (press on mobile, Y on console) on a drawer. Previously, only one drawer could be used for free, and players must own the Extra Storage Gamepass to be able to use all three drawers. The gamepass was removed on September 30th, 2018 due to its unpopularity, and owners were given the Spare Tire spoiler as compensation.
When a Criminal or Prisoner has done an unlawful act, such as killing a cop or robbing a location, they receive a bounty. A bounty is the amount of extra cash a Police officer receives after doing a successful arrest. If a player gets a bounty, their display name will appear on the Top Criminals Board along with their bounty. When they get arrested, the Police officer that arrested them will receive their bounty and the additional Cash Icon400 (Cash Icon480 if the Police officer owns the VIP Gamepass). Before the Fall 2023 Update, a bounty would also increase the paycheck amount for criminals which capped at Cash Icon300.
Prisoners and Criminals can breakout handcuffed Criminals by holding E for a short period behind their back. The player broken out will have no items upon being saved, but will not be sent to prison. There is a cooldown to this feature where players cannot perform a breakout for a short amount of time.
Bribing/Cash Donating
Players can drop cash via the money purchasing GUI. Cash can be dropped for an amount between Cash Icon200-Cash Icon20,000. Players can drop a maximum Cash Icon50,000 per in-game day. Police who pick up cash dropped by a Criminal will not be able to arrest Criminals for about a minute. This exchange is usually done so a Prisoner/Criminal can obtain a keycard from a Police officer. (Bribery) Players cannot drop cash in small servers.
Cinematic Camera
The Cinematic Camera is a feature that is exclusive to private servers. Players who own the server, or are given access by the owner are able to access it by pressing "left shift + P" on their keyboard. This allows the player to fly out of their game camera, and move around freely, with all GUI removed. To exit the camera, simply press "left shift + P" again.
Controls are keys that are used inside the game to perform certain actions, such as W,A,S,D, E, F, etc. There are also specific vehicle controls. For example, hitting Shift allows players to drift land vehicles, while hitting Q allows players to use Rocket Fuel.
Drowning was added in the February 2024 Update to prevent players from being able to hide underwater. You will have an oxygen bar and bubbles particles underwater for about 5-7 seconds before you start taking damage.
Fires are created by a Rocket Launcher's explosions or lightning. They only stay on the map for 1 minute, and alternatively can be put out with a Firetruck.
Item Dropping
Item Dropping was added in the 2021 Fall Update that allows players to drop the majority of items in-game for other players to pick up. To drop an equipped item, press backspace or click the red circle that appears next to that item to drop that item.
The Minimap is located in the bottom left of the players' screens. It displays a pixelated overhead view of the player's current location, along with markers displaying other players' locations. Players on the opposite team will only briefly flash on the minimap.
Notifications notify players about a large variety of things, ranging from telling them when robberies open (only for BOSS Gamepass owners) to when they receive a safe from another player.
Parachuting is a feature that allows players to get down from high areas without dealing with fall damage. Parachutes can be deployed if the player is skydiving and presses the jump key (Spacebar for PC, jump button for mobile, etc). Falling speed is reduced by seventy-percent with the parachute when compared to falling without one. Players can use weapons and items while parachuting.
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Every day at 5AM (in-game time), Police receive a paycheck. Police receive a paycheck of Cash Icon1,200 plus bonuses. Criminals used to receive a paycheck of Cash Icon50 or more depending on their bounty (its formula is Cash Icon50 + (bounty) x 0.5), but this was removed for Criminals in the Fall 2023 Update.
Police Sirens
Revamped siren
Police Sirens appears on vehicles when a Police officer enters the driver seat of land vehicles, or if players of any team enter the Ambulance. Pressing F will enable it, or tapping on the sirens button on the mobile radial menu. Some vehicles cannot equip sirens, such as the Volt or the Patrol.
Prison Spotlights
Spotlight turned offSpotlight turned on
Prison Spotlights will automatically track the nearest player in the criminal team in the appropriate range. When the spotlight turns on, the light plays a clicking sound and a fluorescent sound immediately after. When it tracks the nearest criminal, it will slow them down, allowing cops to catch them easier. When the criminal is out of range, the spotlight clicks off and returns to its original position.

Prison Spotlights were a classic feature in old Jailbreak. But there are some major differences from the current spotlights. The old spotlights were only triggered when someone clicked the button underneath the towers, which no one used a lot. They still spotted the criminals, but it didn't slow them down.

Players can reload their weapons by pressing R anytime (mobile players are unable to do this). When out of ammo, attempting to fire will also trigger a reload.
Robbery Icons
Donut Robbery Icon
Robbery Icons indicate where all the robbery locations are in the game. Robbery icons appear as green icons with icons tailored to each robbery location; as of the 2021 Mid-Season Update, the icons will turn red if the location is closed, and green if it is open. When an icon for a robbery starts flashing green and white, that signifies that a robbery is currently taking place. The robbery icons for BOSS Gamepass owners indicate when a store has opened a minute before non-owners. Players can also turn this feature off in the settings menu.
Roll button
Rolling is one of the more recent features added to the game. Players can press the Control key or the button to roll, however there is a cooldown of 5 seconds before it can be used again.
Security Cameras
Security Cameras were added in the 2021 Winter Update. Players can go to any Police Stations, the Secret Agent Base or the Level 4 area of the military base and press E on the security cameras board/screen to open up the security cameras UI. From there, players can toggle between seven (formerly nine) different locations around the map. Players can also track other players caught on the cameras for around 2 minutes. If cameras are shot, they will be temporarily disabled for around fifteen seconds.
Skydiving is a feature added in the 2019 Winter Update. When a player falls from a high place, skydiving will be triggered. Failing to deploy a parachute before hitting the ground will cause fall damage.
Waypoints can be accessed by clicking on the Minimap in the bottom left corner (or top-right corner on Mobile) which will expand it. From there, select an area on the map and follow the arrows to the destination. A waypoint is automatically set if a criminal performs a Oil Rig, Power Plant or Cargo Ship robbery, or if a police officer delivers the Bank Truck to its destination. This feature was added in the Tow Truck Update.
