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Did this thing get a makeover?

This vehicle has been remodeled, as its previous model was outdated compared to newer vehicle models.
Remodeled on: November 1st, 2022.

The Firetruck is a special emergency service vehicle in Jailbreak. Added in the Fire Update, the Firetruck costs Cash Icon175,000.


The Firetruck spawns in the Fire Station, located in Crater City. Previously, it spawned at the Bounty Bay Airport and at the old Fire Station, prior to the latter's removal. The vehicle has two unique features: an interactive ladder that can be toggled by anyone for climbing to higher surfaces, and a water cannon that can extinguish fires and push back nearby players.

The Firetruck was revamped as part of the 2022 5 Days of Vehicles update with a detailed fireman's ladder, new water effects, and more. [1]


The Firetruck's water cannon (enabled by pressing G or the GUI button) can push back enemies and nearby teammates. However, even though the players caught in the water beam cannot escape, they can still use guns to attack the driver, and will eventually be pushed out of range and can escape. This vehicle is fast and can outclass the pre-revamped Stallion in terms of top speed.

The Firetruck's water cannon can be used to quickly extinguish fires made by rockets or lightning. Players can do this by pressing G in front of a fire and aiming the water at the fire. This enables the driver to destroy roadblocks made by trolls or the opposing team. However, while using the vehicle, the water cannon cannot be rotated. Putting out fire rewards Cash Icon100. (Cash Icon120 for VIP Gamepass owners)

The Firetruck's ladder can be used to reach the top of some shorter buildings, which allows the player to gain a height advantage. The height advantage can be used to 'snipe' unsuspecting enemies below. The ladder can be toggled by people who do not own the vehicle. This can also damage players on the other team.


The Firetruck has a mixed reception. The top speed is very fast for such a heavy vehicle, slightly beating the Megalodon, Cybertruck, and Model 3. Its true top speed can also slightly beat the Surus and the Torero. Its only slightly behind both the Roadster and Challenger. Its handling is rather good as well.

However, the Firetruck is plagued with disadvantages. Its launch is among the slowest in the game, the braking offers little stopping power, and its reverse speed is quite slow - though this is expected for a big, heavy vehicle.

Overall, the Firetruck has its positives, but its negatives outweigh them. It is not recommended to purchase it as a grinding vehicle, but can be fun to use due to its unique features. Its large size allows it to be an excellent roadblock as well.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
The Firetruck can reach speeds of up to 214 MPH after its fix, which is quite fast considering its a heavy vehicle. Beating the Proto-08 and Torero but slightly slower than the Roadster. Ties with the Tanker. The Firetruck reverse speed now is 67 MPH, which is still decent.
The fourth-slowest launch speed in the game despite being quite expensive. The Firetruck launches slower than a lot of low-tier vehicles. This allows even vehicles like the Camaro and the Pickup to outrun the Firetruck in a short-distance race, despite being much slower. Only beats Prison Bus, Semi and Sloop. It reaches 27 MPH. Launch offers a weak burst of speed, and acceleration to top speed takes upwards of fifteen seconds, but it has a high top speed. It is among the slowest in the game.
Better than expected for such a large vehicle. Its turning and drifting ability is very good, and it remains easy to control at any speed. Still, players must be careful while driving in narrow areas due to its size. The ground clearance can be good, but it is not suitable for driving off-road due to large size and low power. It often cannot climb hills, but can climb some obstacles. This can improve by reaching top speed while off-roading or using rocket fuel to speed up. While off-roading at high speeds, the Firetruck is quite stable.
The Firetruck's braking is very slow, but this is to be expected given its size. It can come to full stop in around 3.5 seconds. Due to being large, the Firetruck has a durability of 150 health and a 7.5-second regeneration time, which is comparable to the Frost Crawler in terms of durability.

Update History

This information has been compiled manually. Not all updates, patches, or hidden updates may be included.

Update March 2nd, 2019:

  • Added the Firetruck.

Update November 1st, 2022:

  • Revamped the Firetruck, top speed unintentionally buffed.

Update November 3rd, 2022:

  • Top speed fixed to how it was before (207mph).

Update December 20th, 2024:

  • Removed spawn at the Bounty Bay Airport.



The Firetruck as of the 5 Days of Vehicles Update.


The Firetruck as of the Atmosphere Update.


The Firetruck prior to the Atmosphere Update.


The teaser image of the revamped Firetruck prior to release.


The teaser image of the Firetruck prior to release.


The thumbnails featuring the Firetruck.


The GUI of the Firetruck.

Audio Gallery

The Firetruck's water cannon sound.


  • The current firetruck appears to be based on the KME Predator, although the real life truck doesn't have a ladder attached on top.
    • The pre-revamp design appears to be based on late 1980s-mid 1990s firetrucks, such as American and European fire trucks. The cab design resembles various late 1980s-mid 1990s models of Scania & DAF Trucks or a Kamaz Truck.
  • There was a glitch where if the water cannon was activated and the Firetruck de-spawned, the water would still be present in a permanent state, causing an "invisible wall" that would permanently push players back[2]. To see this glitch in action before its removal, click here.
  • Many people have rumored that this vehicle would be added during the 2B Visits Update, but this was later proven false.
  • This vehicle has been highly requested and has been speculated since the Official Release of Jailbreak when the Fire Station was released. [3]
  • When the Firetruck was first added, putting out fires by using the water cannon would not give cash rewards. [4]
  • The Firetruck's water cannon is the only type of water to be able to put out Fires, as both river water and rain cannot put them out.
  • Firetrucks would usually get stuck in the garage when spawned, and will take some manipulation to drive the Firetruck out of it. Previously, the ladder would suspend the Firetruck in the air when spawned at the Mountainside Town Garage 2 and would spawn on top of the garage. This can be useful when an officer is camping outside of the garage.
  • Before the Stallion was revamped, the Firetruck was faster than it in terms of top speed.
    • In real life, a firetruck's top speed is at least 50 MPH. On the other hand, the Ferrari 458 Italia, which the Ferrari is based on, can reach speeds of up to 200 MPH.
      • However, after the Firetruck got revamped, it is again faster than Stallion.
        • This was later changed so that the Firetruck is slower again.
  • If players crawl under the Firetruck and stand up, they will get stuck inside the mesh of the truck, making it very good for hiding. This can be fixed by crawling out of the Firetruck.
  • In real life, the water hose is very long and can reach remote areas without the Firetruck going there, but the Jailbreak Firetruck is mounted on the roof, making it harder to put out fires.
  • Before its revamp, textures on a Firetruck are applied backwards. This is especially evident with the Scorch texture. The reason for it is unknown, yet a few other cars had or currently have this issue.
  • As of its revamp, when you toggle the ladder at its spawn at the Fire Station, the Firetruck will get stuck to the ceiling; when you toggle the ladder at its spawn at the Bounty Bay Airport, its rear end will get stuck to the ceiling.
  • When you enter and exit the vehicle at its spawn at the Bounty Bay Airport, your Roblox character will get stuck in the building.

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Firetruck is was the first vehicle to be added in 2019.
  • The Firetruck originally only spawned in yellow, grey, and blue; but it now only spawns in red.
  • The Firetruck is the fifth vehicle with a seating capacity of six, with the others being the Helicopter (including rope), Raptor, Cybertruck and Camper.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

