Gamepasses, also referred as "passes", are products in Jailbreak that players can purchase with Robux to gain extra and exclusive perks and benefits in-game.
Currently, there are seven available gamepasses in the store with one only accessible in the private Jailbreak Ban Jail. The most expensive gamepass is the Very Important Player [VIP] pass which costs 600, while the cheapest is the Bigger Duffel Bag Tier:2 which costs 50.
All of the available gamepasses can be purchased from the game's page by interacting on the Store section or scrolling down before entering the game. They can also be purchased in-game: the Bigger Duffel Bag can be bought while robbing, while the Pro Garage can be purchased by clicking on the Garage UI. Players can also purchase gamepasses by interacting on the Cash GUI and click on the Passes tab.
The Get Out Of Jail Card is only purchasable by players banned from playing Jailbreak. This particular gamepass can only be obtained in the Jailbreak Ban Jail, to which banned players are redirected when attempting to join Jailbreak.
List of Gamepasses
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The Bigger Duffel Bag are Gamepasses that costs 240. When bought, it permanently increases your duffel bag capacity for each robbable location as a criminal, meaning that you can collect much more money for each successful heist.
It is recommended as the first gamepass anyone should buy since earning more money means that the player can afford vehicles and other in-game items significantly faster.
Capacity Increases
As of the November 2020 Update, all robberies allow you to get up to x as much money per robbery compared to Tier 1.
- Tier 2 : 1.33x.
- Tier 3 : 1.66x.
- Tier 4 : 2x
Listed below is the difference in carrying capacity before and after buying the Tier 4 Bigger Duffel Bag Gamepass:
- Rising City Bank: 3,750 minimum per robbery to 7,500 maximum (Presidential Vault floor, which is the floor with the highest payout in Bank).
- Jewelry Store: 2,500 minimum per robbery to 5,000 maximum.
- Gas Station & Donut Shop: 750 minimum per robbery to 1,500 maximum (The amount was not affected if only buying tier pass, not the main gamepass itself).
- Cargo Train: 2,000 minimum per robbery to 4,000 maximum.
- Passenger Train:2,000 minimum per robbery to 4,000 maximum.
- Museum: 3,500 minimum per robbery to 7,000 maximum.
- Power Plant, Cargo Plane, Bank Truck and Tomb: No difference.
- Cargo Ship 5,500-6,450 to 6,324-7,417 (the amount was not affected if only buying tier pass, not the main gamepass itself).
- Crown Jewel and Oil Rig: 4,000 minimum per robbery to 8,000 maximum.
- Before the Mega Robbery Update, the Bank only gives 3 times as much cash using the gamepass.
- When buying the Duffel Bag Gamepass from the Roblox website or through the Gamepass menu, buyers will automatically be upgraded to Tier 4. This is due to the fact that Tier 4 Duffel Bag rewarded the same amount of money the Bigger Duffer Bag Gamepass have had.
- Formerly this used to be a single gamepass, as of the November 2020 Update they are now split into separate gamepasses and a single gamepass that players can buy.
- If you own both this and the VIP, the extra cash you can carry will have the 20% VIP bonus applied to it after you successfully complete the robbery. For example, you can get $4,200 from robbing the Cargo Train instead of $3,500 with just the Bigger Duffel Bag, which allows for a major cash increase every time you successfully rob a location.
- Combining the VIP and this gamepasses means you will be able to earn money as a criminal in the most efficient way possible since there are no other gamepasses that allow you to boost your earnings.
- The description of this gamepass reads, "Earn up to DOUBLE the cash in Robberies! This pass takes your duffel bag straight to the highest Tier!!", and formerly "Want a bigger chunk of cash from bank robberies? The "Larger Bag" enables you to collect up to three times the cash when you successfully rob the Bank, Jewelry Store, Museum or Train!"
- Before the Mega Robbery Update, the Bank only gave 3 times as much cash using this Gamepass.
- Badimo announced in this tweet that there will be cheaper option of upgrading duffel bag featuring tiers.
- Players who bought the gamepass itself before Duffel Bag tiers were introduced were automatically given the highest tier.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The Car Stereo Gamepass is a gamepass in Jailbreak that costs 200. It does not affect core gameplay and is more suited for entertainment.
This gamepass allows the player to input any audio ID from Roblox’s Library into the vehicle radio, as well as the home and apartment radio. It also allows players to save songs to the Custom Station; changes will save in other servers.
Main Article: Radio
As of the August 2020 Update, the radio received an overhaul and 3 stations are now available to all players. Playing custom music and creating a custom playlist requires the Vehicle Stereo gamepass.
- This is currently the cheapest gamepass in Jailbreak..
- In the past, before Jailbreak got its slight GUI overhaul, players had to type "/mute" into the chat to mute all boomboxes/car stereos.
- This gamepass can be bypassed by having a friend let a player use their vehicle, or they can put the music in the player's car for them.
- Players can change the bass and volume on the GUI.
- The description of this gamepass is, "Ready to turn up some jams? This pass enables you to use any sound in the Roblox Catalog while driving. You'll be heard by other players while you drive around. You'll also be able to use this in your apartment!!"
- If players don't have the gamepass, they can still stop the music in another player's vehicle if it's not locked.
- Some audios in the Heist Station section contains Jailbreak's robbery music.
- The radio in apartments was removed when the Apartments were revamped and Houses were added.
- However, they have come back as a VIP exclusive furniture item in the Meme Season update.
- The songs must be in your inventory to play.
- To find the song ID, search the song up on Google.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The Crime BOSS Gamepass is a gamepass in Jailbreak that costs 335. It is very similar to the SWAT Gamepass, just for Criminals instead of Police. It comes with an exclusive vehicle called the Celestial. The Celestial also includes a Turret on top, similar to the SWAT Van. This gamepass costs 335 Robux and you will receive all the items featured below, exclusive clothing and attire and notifications for when robberies open up. The clothing and attire can be accessed in both Criminal Bases.
- Players who own this gamepass have the ability to drive the exclusive Celestial.
- Players with this gamepass have access to a turret on top of the Celestial.
- They will also gain access to a pinstripe suit, sunglasses, a hooded cloak, and a bandanna all exclusive to the BOSS Gamepass. Also, they will have a Rifle on the rack next to the clothes.
- They will also receive in-game notifications if a heist location is open and ready to rob, including the Gas Station and Donut Shop.
- Once a BOSS Gamepass owner escapes Prison, they will be in their normal clothes instead of a Prison Jumpsuit (sometimes this does not happen due to lag).
When a robbery is opened, the list of notifications pops up for the owners of this gamepass:
- "The Rising City Bank, Jewelry Store, and Museum will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!"
- "The Power Plant, Cargo Plane, and Passenger Train will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!"
- "The Crater Bank, Casino and Oil Rig will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!"
- "The Cargo Train, Tomb, and Cargo Ship will open next. BOSS's learn this before everyone else!"
- "The police are departing with the Bank Truck!"
- "The Dount Store is open for robbery!"
- "The Gas Station is open for robbery!"
- "The mansion is open."
- This is the Criminal counterpart of the SWAT Gamepass.
- It was confirmed by asimo3089 that the minigun would be available to everyone in a patch update. However, this never happened.
- BOSS Gamepass owners previously didn't get notifications when the Gas Station and Donut Shop opened up. Notifications for these stores opening up was added in the March 2021 update.
- Previously, you also wouldn’t get notifications for the Museum, but Badimo has fixed this issue since it's creation.
- To distinguish the difference between the Cargo Train and the Passenger Train in the BOSS notifications, the City/Weapon Update made the Cargo Train be called the Cargo Train while the Passenger Train is called the Passenger Train.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The SWAT Gamepass is a gamepass in Jailbreak that costs 335. It is very similar to the BOSS Gamepass, just for Police instead of Criminals. It is a gamepass that is catered to the advantage of being a Police, but criminals can use the Rifle and the SWAT Van.
The gamepass description reads: "It's time to dominate! Crack down on criminals with this extra gear and make 20% more money! Unlocks new clothing, a machine gun, black pistols, and a riot shield! You even unlock a SWAT-Van (with minigun!) exclusive to SWAT members. Finally you gain access to the SWAT-Phone. A tool for viewing cameras on the go! Riot shield blocks 60% of bullet damage!"
Items Obtained
When obtained, it gives access to:
- SWAT Attire
- Rifle
- SWAT Van
- Turret access
- Riot Shield
- A silenced Pistol.
- $240 extra cash in the Police paycheck.
- SWAT Phone
- Though it looks protective, SWAT Attire is completely cosmetic; it provides no damage protection.
- The Riot Shield reduces bullet damage by 60%.
- Though an excellent gamepass for the Police and criminals who want an additional weapon and/or vehicle, criminals have to risk getting arrested or killed to get to the Rifle or SWAT Van (in addition, you need a Keycard or Rocket Fuel get the SWAT Van outside the Prison parking lot). Criminals can't put on SWAT Attire or use the Riot Shield. However, with the implement of the BOSS Gamepass, it is much easier to obtain the Rifle.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The Pro Garage Gamepass (formerly known as Premium Garage and Mobile Garage) is a gamepass in Jailbreak that costs 360. This gamepass allows players driving a vehicle to open up the Garage GUI and customize their vehicle anywhere with the simple click of a button, instead of having to go to a garage. The Pro Garage will allow players to customize instantly anywhere, which includes changing a car’s engine, brakes, textures, body colors, spoilers, feature colors (spoiler color, wheel color, etc.), and suspension. Owner of this gamepass can spawn any land vehicle (as well has hovering seasonal vehicles), as long as they are near the ground, with a shortened cooldown of 1 minute. They can also spawn any boat under the same conditions, provided they are in the water. Finally, owners can refuel rocket fuel by pressing the rocket fuel bar or "Q" when its empty.
A free version of this gamepass for players who do not own the Pro version is available, called Mobile Garage, allowing players to spawn vehicles up to 100k cash with a longer spawn cooldown (1 minute 30 seconds) and no customization/saves option.
- In a tweet, Badimo said there will be a brief timer after spawning a vehicle, however, and this was added when the Gamepass was introduced.
- This Gamepass used to be called the Mobile Garage Gamepass, but was changed to Premium Garage as the free, but limited, version of this gamepass is called Mobile Garage.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The Very Important Player [VIP] Gamepass is a gamepass in Jailbreak where players will receive 20% extra cash every time they receive cash, such as a successful heist or paycheck. The only exception is when players receive cash donations.
- 20% extra cash
- A Chrome colour to use on bodies, spoilers, rims and windows of vehicles.
- A golden nametag in the chat.
- A Radio furniture item for Dream Homes.
- 10 extra garage save slots.
- 100 free Rocket Fuel every day (90 more fuel than players who don't own the VIP Gamepass).
- 1,000 every 24 real-life hours.
- 1 Street Safe every day.
If players want to make more money faster, the Duffel Bag gamepass is highly recommended, and is cheaper too. If players would like to earn a little more cash, have more benefits, and stand out from others, then this is the gamepass recommended.
- This is currently the most expensive gamepass.
- Throughout several Update Log, the VIP Gamepass has gotten several new perks, as promised by the developers.
- It wasn’t until the Spoilers/Wings Customization Update that a Chrome window color was added.
- Every 24 real-life hours (1 real-life day), players would get 1,000 cash upon joining.
- This is the first Gamepass icon to have a character on it.
- The Chrome color doesn’t work on Helicopters, UFOs, or Volt Bikes. When Chrome is applied to any of these vehicles, the color would be white.
- This is also the case for the Torpedo's spoiler.
- From 5:00 A.M to 8:00 P.M in-game time, the chrome body color is a shiny golden color, but from 8:00 P.M to 5:00 A.M, the chrome is more of a black color.
- It says that players receive 50 free Rocket Fuel daily on the description for the VIP gamepass, but they actually receive 100.
- VIP combined with Bigger Duffel bag will give criminals the most money from robbing in the game.
- The thumbnail had the old city even after the 2B Update and Oceans/Ships Live Update. It was changed to the current city in the 4th day of the 2022 5 Days of Vehicles Update.
- As of the 2018 Winter Update, the chrome body color again is now a shiny grayish color.
- The extra 20% money from this gamepass is not announced in chat when robbing, collecting a bounty, etc.
- In Houses & Apartments there used to be a confetti gun.
- However this was removed in the Dream Homes Update.
This gamepass has been discontinued as of 9/30/18 and officially taken off-sale on 10/2/18. If you want to see the main page about this gamepass, click here.
The Extra Storage was a gamepass in Jailbreak that cost 50. It was relatively cheap, and the cheapest gamepass in the game. It allowed players to store any item in their cell in two gamepass-required drawers under their cell in the prison. Normally, players can only store one item. This was used for storing items players may/may not have needed later in their play session. The items that players store would not carry over from server to server, but they did remain when the player switched teams or died afterwards. If they stored something in a drawer then it would have been best that they took it out at some point during their play session, seeing as they may have forgotten it, or had another fellow prisoner come along and steal it from under their bed.
Before the Sewer Escape Update, players could have put items in someone else's drawer without the Extra Storage Gamepass. This was later changed so they could only put items in their cell. Also in the sewer escape update was “E” circles were added to the drawers replacing manually clicking on the drawers.
This gamepass has been retired on 9/30/18 as stated in a tweet by @Badimo.
Overall, there have been mixed thoughts on this gamepass. Some thought it was a waste, others thought that this gamepass was useful. All and all, it has been shown that this gamepass can go either of those ways.
If players just wanted to escape the prison and quickly start earning Cash, they might have wanted to refrain from buying this gamepass, as it really wouldn't have been of any use to them. Players were instead encouraged to buy the Bigger Duffel Bag instead, as it would have served their purpose better.
Lots of use for this gamepass has been eliminated since a handful of bugs with this gamepass have been patched.
The Extra Storage Gamepass has been removed from Jailbreak on the 2018 Fall Update due to the gamepass not benefiting players other than giving them 2 extra storage spaces inside their cell. This can be seen in the page where there was a terrible like to dislike ratio. Anybody who owned this gamepass before its removal received a tire spoiler, $10,000 in-game cash, and 50 free rocket fuel.
- Players could've store any item or weapons in the slots.
- If players were a Police officer and tried to store items in the slots, it would not have worked, unless it's in their cell.
- This feature was here since the start of Jailbreak.
- At first, its role was not confirmed by the description. This caused a lot of controversy until its description was fixed.
- Before the Sewer Escape Update, this gamepass was a waste since players can easily plop any weapon in any other cell (now they can only place items in their own cell).
- This was the cheapest gamepass in Jailbreak.
- This is the first gamepass to be removed in the game. It was removed on 10/2/18.
This gamepass has gone off-sale as of 11/3/19. If you want to see the main page about this gamepass, click here. This gamepass was not entirely discontinued. Players that owned this gamepass before its removal from the store will permanently receive the +50% XP effect.
The XP Boost Gamepass was a gamepass in Jailbreak that costs 129. It was added during the Jetpack Update, with the intention that players buy it to gain more XP and levels for Seasons. It boosted XP gain by 50% whenever a task was completed (15 XP became 22 XP, 200 XP became 300 XP, 150 XP became 225 XP, etc).
But after just one season (Season 3), Badimo made the decision to remove the gamepass from the store and replace it with a seasonal pass. This pass has the same exact perks as the XP Boost Gamepass, but costed 99, and has to be repurchased every season via the Season GUI. If previous XP Boost gamepass owners purchased a new season pass, the effects of the two XP Boosts would not stack.
- The XP Boost gamepass logo is a cropped version of the Jetpack Update thumbnail.
- The XP Boost gamepass description reads: Beginning Season 3, level up -50%- quicker while participating in our seasonal events!
- Before its removal, this held the position for cheapest gamepass.
- This gamepass had the shortest lifespan, only lasting 134 days.
- This gamepass was added in with no official tweet from Badimo.
- Unlike the Extra Storage Gamepass, this pass only went off-sale, and did not have its perks removed.
- In the 2020 Winter Update, players who bought the XP Boost gamepass were given a season pass in Season 1: New Beginnings for free.
To purchase this gamepass in Jailbreak, click here.
The VIP Trading Gamepass is a gamepass that was added in the July 2022 update for Jailbreak. This gamepass costs 320 and contains perks dedicated to the Trading Island.
- A special UI to jump across trading severs.
- Cinematic camera enabled for gamepass owners.
- A button on the switch teams menu that can teleport players straight to the Trading Island.
- A button in Trading Island that teleports players back to Jailbreak.
- A "[TRADINGVIP]" chat tag with magenta chat text color in the Trading Island.
- An animated RGB trading tag in the Trading Island.
- Unique trade requests.
- Trade requests last longer.
- Access to exclusive VIP Trader channels in the Jailbreak Discord.
- Attempting to spawn vehicles with the mobile garage gamepass as a prisoner will give the player the message: "Escape to spawn vehicles!" This is to prevent vehicles such as the Volt from escaping prison right away.
- The icons of the gamepasses were made by Injan, as said on the home screen.
- In the 4th day of the 2022 5 Days of Vehicles Update, the icons of the gamepasses that can currently be bought were changed.
- Players with the VIP gamepass can earn up to an extra 10,000 bounty.
- The Vehicle Stereo gamepass used to not affect the Jet, Jet Ski, Stunt, Sloop and Cruiser.
- This was fixed after the Season 12 Update.
- In the One Year Update and Sewer Escape update thumbnails, there was an arrow pointing to the "Store" tab on Jailbreak's page, hinting possible new gamepasses in the future. This turned out to be the BOSS Gamepass.
- The XP Boost Gamepass was removed from the store and replaced by a Season Pass in the Season 4 Update.
- As of the NUKES Update, the BOSS Gamepass's ability to tell players when stores opened, supposedly stopped working; players were given the notice 1 in every 4 times.
- It was a glitch that has been patched.
- The glitch has made a comeback which also affects the normal ("player has started a robbery") notification which cops also get.
- It was a glitch that has been patched.
- On May 1st, 2019; The Mobile Garage Gamepass price increased from 350 to 450 since the vehicle spawning ability was added in the update.
- On September 6th, 2020, the SWAT Gamepass price increased from 300 to 350 due to the paycheck and SWAT bonus.
- On January 7th, 2022, the SWAT Gamepass price increased from 350 to 400, due to the addition of the SWAT Phone.
- On November 7th, 2020, the Mobile Garage gamepass was renamed to Premium Garage, as free-to-play users now had the ability to spawn a Camaro, Jeep, Deja or Pickup.
- As of March 11th, 2022, the Car Stereo Gamepass went various changes due to Roblox setting all audio not owned by the Badimo group to private.
- In the Return of Royale update, VIP Trading Pass owners can now choose what trading servers to join.
- As of the Trading Update, the newest gamepass is the VIP Trading Pass.
- The total cost of all the gamepasses (available and discontinued) is 3,154.
- There are currently a total of 7 gamepasses (9 if you count the removed Extra Storage and XP Boost passes).
- The Extra Storage Gamepass served little purpose, and was therefore removed in the Fall 2018 Update. Former owners were given 10,000, some Rocket Fuel, and an exclusive "Spare" spoiler.
- Gamepass sales only occur one or two times every year, as tweeted in Badimo's Twitter. There were no gamepass sales in 2019.
- The first gamepass sale happened between June 28th, to July 5th, 2017.
- In late November 2017, all gamepasses underwent a 20% sale.
- Cash was also discounted at 20%.
- On May 16th, 2018, soon after the Train Patch update, there was a sale for gamepasses. All gamepasses were 30% off.
- The most recent gamepass sale was on April 21st, 2020, at exactly Jailbreak's 3 year birthday.