Jailbreak Wiki

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Jailbreak Wiki
Jailbreak Wiki
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Locations Button

Locations are one of the major aspects of Jailbreak. They range from important buildings, map decorations, to natural areas.


The Jailbreak map has numerous locations to explore. Primary places include buildings, such as Robberies, Gun Shops, and Garages. Secondary locations include various natural areas, such as mountains, Beaches, terrain, and buildings, some of which currently have no purpose.

Prevalent throughout the entire map are map decorations, which help to add flair to the game and fill up otherwise empty areas. Many locations are also home to Easter Eggs, which players will need a good eye to find. These easter eggs range from graffitis, hidden rooms, to even hinting at memes such as the Scoobis easter egg.



  • Bold italic location name titles indicate that the location is removed from Jailbreak.
  • Bold underlined location name titles indicate that the location is a robbery location.

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Prison Cafeteria Cells Kitchen
Prison as of June 2024 PrisonCafeteria PrisonCell Prison Kitchen
The location where prisoners spawn upon joining a server. A prisoner must escape the Prison to become a criminal. A cosmetic location in the Main Building of the Prison. A location in the Main Building of the Prison where prisoners and criminals spawn upon being arrested or resetting. A location in the Main Building of the Prison that was removed after the revamp. It served as the entrance to the Vents, which could be use as an escape route.

Main Building Parking Lot Prison Garage Punch Box
MainBuilding2023 Parking Lot View PoliceGarageFall2021 PrisonPunchBox
A major location of the Prison, located to the right of the Visitors Building. Separating the Prison from its gate, it serves as a drop-off zone for the Bank Truck. A removed location of the Prison that served as a spawn point for the Deja, Interrogator, Patrol, Surus, and SWAT Van. It replaced the Visitors Building before the Prison Revamp Update. Keycards were required for access. Located on a wall of Prison Gun Shop, it serves as a method for prisoners to escape the Prison.

Prison Police Station Season Hypezone Security Office Storage Room
PrisonPoliceStationOctober2024 S23Hypezone SecurityOfficeUpperfloor2023 StorageRoomPreview
A major location of the Prison serving as a spawn point for police. A Helicopter and Little Bird is seen on the helipad of the building. Keycards are required for access. A location in front of the Prison serving as a spawn point for seasonal vehicles. A minor location in the Main Building of the Prison. It contains a Shotgun, a Pistol, and a Baton, and used to be a spawn point for the Police. Keycards are required for access. A removed escape route for prisoners located in the Main Building of the Prison. Keycards were required for access.

Sewers Telephone Room Vents Visitors Building
PrisonSewerEscape TelephoneRoom2023 NewVents Verynewestvisitorbuilding
Located underground, the Sewers serve as an escape route for prisoners. A cosmetic location in the Main Building of the Prison. Located in the Visitors Building, they allow prisoners easy access to the weapons inside the Prison Police Station. A location in the Prison that was previously replaced by the Prison Garage. Serves as an escape route for Prisoners. Keycards are required for access when coming through the front.

Wall Escape Yard
ExplodingWall2023 2023Yard
Located behind the Prison Gun Shop, it serves as an escape route for prisoners. C4s are required. They can be obtained via Rusty by giving him a donut. A relatively minor location of the Prison, it mainly serves as a spawn point for prisoners upon joining.

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Mountainside Town Criminal Lair Donut Shop 1M Dealership
TownPreview2022 CriminalLair2022 F5DF6A73-B456-42DB-83DB-3DEF2C7367AE 1MStore2022
A residential area located near to the left of the Prison, including a few stores, a house, a small robbery location, and the Volcano Criminal Base nearby. Was located underneath the Volcano Criminal Base, it has a hologram map showing the server's respective locations of the players and a La Matador spawn. This was removed in the 5 Year Anniversary Update and brought back in Season 10 Update. It is now located above the Volcano Criminal Base. A small robbery location on the opposite side of Mountainside Town Gun Shop. Players are given a Donut when entering. After being re-located back to Town, this serves the spawns of most $1M vehicles.

Glider Store Houses Mountainside Town Garage (original) Mountainside Town Garage 2
134E3CCF-2A14-46A5-9D0A-9B954E22698A HousesPreview TownGarage1Preview A2CAD97A-66EE-45AE-8C2D-0BC22DB4A5EF
Located between the Town Gun Shop and Pet Shop, it is where players can obtain a Glider. The Town has a number of houses, but most are cosmetic. Some are rentable, by which players can use to meet up with other players. The second garage to be added to Jailbreak. It was near the Volcano Criminal Base and had two slots for players to spawn and customize land vehicles. This was removed in the 5 Year Anniversary Update. The third garage to be added to Jailbreak. It is near the Donut Shop and has two slots for players to spawn and customize land vehicles.

Mountainside Town Gas Station Mountainside Town Gun Shop Pet Shop Volcano Criminal Base
51413CF4-16C9-4932-A0D0-226C4F1D150A 2CA6A170-5EE6-4207-9ED2-B1B1933BEC77 PetStorePreview Volcano Criminal Base (2022 revamp)
A mainly cosmetic Gas Station opposite the Glider Store. It serves as a place where players can refill their Rocket Fuel. Located on the opposite side of Donut Shop, it is where players obtain weapons. Due to being close to the Prison, it receives frequent visits from escaping prisoners. Located next to the Glider Store, players can adopt Dogs from here. It serves as a spawn point for criminals and where they come to obtain money from robberies, including the Jewelry Store, Museum, Crown Jewel, Passenger Train, and Power Plant.

Water Tower Wind Turbines
WaterTower2022Spring WindTurbinePreview
A decorational water tower facing the Volcano Criminal Base. Located near the houses, they are sometimes used to check server lag.

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Rising City Apartments Rising City Bank Bank Truck
Rising City Infobox Apartments Preview BankIcon2023 BankTruckPreview2022
Being one of the main locations of Jailbreak, it has many of the robberies and activites in the game. The City has three rentable apartments that players can use to meet up with other players. The first robbery to be added to Jailbreak. The building also houses the Bank Truck. Keycards are required for access. One of the robberies in Jailbreak. The police must deliver the truck to an appointed location under the time limit, while criminals try to interfere the process to rob the money from the police.

Carpark Cheater Island Control Tower Crew Tower
Carpark Preview CheaterCage2021 Control Tower Preview Crew battles teaser image
Serves no purpose other than decoration, however, players can drive through with their vehicles and find a unique ramp on the top floor. Originally implemented to deal with exploiters, it is no longer used for that purpose. Here, players can pay Robux to perform specific commands in the server, such as throwing a party and spawning 3 airdrop briefcases. Where players can view the Crew Battles leaderboard.

Crime Port Rising City Criminal Base Dock Rising City Garage
CrimePortWinter2023 Crim Base Spring Dock 7DCBFBD6-11BA-45D1-AFD7-E029147A01E0
The location where players handle the crates from the Cargo Plane and Cargo Ship. It also houses the spawn points of the Cruiser and Ray, and has a customization dock for all land and water vehicles. It serves as a spawn point for criminals and where they come to obtain money from the Jewelry Store. Originally added for cosmetic purposes, it is now a spawn point for the Jet Ski. Located near the Hospital, it has three slots for customizing and spawning land vehicles, and a helicopter pad to customize aerial vehicles.

Rising City Gun Shop Hospital Ice Stage Jewelry Store
5CDC72E8-E2D8-443F-BE17-DE863C02D766 2022 Hospital IceStage JewelryStorePreview2022
Implemented as the Rising City counterpart of the Mountainside Town Gun Shop, it is where players obtain weapons. Located near the Rising City Garage, it serves as the spawn point for the Ambulance. Located at the lake near Rising City, it was a large piece of ice that slowly melted as players worked together to earn the total cash goal of Cash Icon20B to unlock the Iceborn. The second robbery to be added to Jailbreak. Criminals have to break jewel cases, go through different obstacles on each floor, and get to a Criminal Base to obtain money.

Museum Police HQ Rising City Police Station Radio Tower
MuseumPreview2022 The Police HQ RisingCityPoliceStation Radio Tower Preview
Located on top of a hill near the Rising City Police Station, the robbery needs at least two criminals to begin, and involves stealing artifacts and solving puzzles to escape. Located between the Jewelry Store and Rising City Bank, it served as a spawn location for police. It is where players can grab weapons and customize and spawn vehicles. The Interrogator and Little Bird also spawned here. It was destroyed and removed in the Jailbreak Attacked Update and 2023 Prison Revamp. Located between the Military Base and Museum, it serves as a police spawn, and the spawn points of the Camaro, Interrogator, and Patrol. Located in front of the Museum, it is the location that reaches the highest point of the map while remaining accessible.

RB Battles Studio Secret Agent Base Toy Store Train Tunnels
RBStudioRight2 Secret Police Base Preview 2249810335 606849621 1733805148984 Tunnels
This building was added as part of the RB Battles Event. It was where players could race to the top of the RB Battles Studio rooftop to obtain the RB Battles badge. Located near the Museum, it serves as a police counterpart of the Criminal Lair, with a hologram map showing the server's respective locations of the players and a Camaro spawn. It used to spawn the Arachnid and Raptor. Located by the Rising City Bank, it serves as a merch store to purchase toys and clothing from Amazon in-game. They serve as a route for the Cargo Train and Passenger Train to pass underneath hills. One is next to the Rising City Criminal Base, while another is near the Museum.

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Rural Area Dunes Gas Station Mini Train Station
Rural Area Preview JB.DesertDunes GasStationSeason11 Minitrainstation
It is a largely vacant space, mainly to fill out the map and separate between major locations. Many Easter Eggs can be found across the area. Separating the Mountainside Town and the Rising City, its main signatures include empty dunes, cacti, and palm trees. The Tomb is located here. Located near the Mini Train Station, it serves as a minor robbery location, and a spawn point for the Pickup. Players can also refill their Rocket Fuel here. Located near the Gas Station, it serves as where players drop off if they fail to rob the Cargo Train. The ATV also spawns here.

NASCAR Racetrack Racing Circuit Tomb Train Station
2023nascartrack Race Cicruit TombPreview2022 (2022) Train Station general view
Previously located in the Dunes, this racetrack served as a NASCAR track where players could race or complete a quest. Added to satisfy racing demands, it includes road and off-road sections, marked by flags placed around the map. Located in the Dunes, the robbery contains deadly obstacles which criminals must pass to grab gems and escape. Located near the Museum, it is where the Cargo Train and Passenger Train can stop, depending how the Train Switches are used. It is also the spawn point of the Stallion.

Mountain Lookout and Jailbreak Sign
Added in the Season 20 Update this location houses the spawns of the XRK and Jetpack and has a building alikened to the old radio station. It also functions as a lookout like the Jetpack Island used to.

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Expansion Area Bounty Bay Airport Bounty Bridge Bounty Island
Map Expansion NewAirport Drawbridge Preview BountyIsland2023
The expanded space of the original Jailbreak map includes a few newer locations. It houses two hangars for customizing vehicles, and spawn points of the Jet, Stunt, and Stallion. The Cargo Plane lands and takes off here, allowing criminals to rob it. The Private Jet also lands here for players to hitch a ride across the map. The Drawbridge connects the Bounty Bay Airport with the Power Plant. It works as a real drawbridge if a Sloop passes it. Now a remote island, criminals with a bounty of Cash Icon2,500 or higher previously spawned here upon arrest.

Jetpack Island Mini Police Station Ocean Pirate Hideaway
Canyon Preview JBMay3rd2020PoliceStation3 Ocean Pirate Hideout Preview
Was added for mainly cosmetic purposes, players were able to grab the Jetpack on the top of it. This was removed in the 5 Year Anniversary Update. It could be seen near the Power Plant, serving as a minor police spawn. The building included an office and a Camaro spawn. The part of water that surrounds most of the map. The Cargo Ship can be seen passing through a portion of it. Mainly used for cosmetic purposes, it serves as a spawn point for the Sloop.

Power Plant
To rob this, criminals must solve puzzles and pass obstacles to obtain uranium, and get to the Volcano Criminal Base to obtain its value, which decreases every Cash Icon50 per second.

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Crater City Crew Tower Crater City Airport Crater City Bank
Crater City Crew battles teaser image Crater City Airport CraterBankFront
Located at the very top of the map, this city is home to the Jetpack and a few vehicles. Where players can view the Crew Battles leaderboard. Just like the other airport, this is home to the Jet, along with the Stallion and Private Jet. Located next to the Crater City Gun Shop, this Bank robbery offers floors from the classic Bank.

Crater City Garage Crater City Gun Shop Fire Station
Best view of the Crater Garage I guess Crater Gun Shop FirestationView
Just like the other garages around the map, this serves as a vehicle spawn/customization building. Located at the center of the new city, it serves as a purpose to equip weapons/items. This location is present from the official release which serves the spawn of Firetruck, it got removed in 5 Year Anniversary Live Update, but then returned in 2nd day of the 5 Days of 5 Vehicles 2022 Update.

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Beach Town Cactus Valley Crater City Racetrack Coastline Forest
BeachTown2022 Canyons Crater City Racetrack Crater Forest
Added in Season 10 Update. This town has houses. A Tow Truck spawns there aswell. A ship is located there which players can enter to teleport to the Trading Island. Being very empty and large, these sandy areas have large rock mountains for aesthetic purposes. Despite having no functionality unlike the event racetracks, this is still a fun little activity area to roam around in. The racetrack was removed and replaced by a parking lot in the Season 10 Mid-Season update. Despite having no features, it has several easter eggs such as the hammers and the hidden star.

Crown Jewel Lighthouse Mansion Meteor
CrownJewel LighthouseGeneric2022 TheManorEntrace JBMeteorAfterTOMB
The first robbery to be added to this map expansion. It is home to a nightclub as well as having an elevator for travel. This is mainly used for cosmetic purposes, it has a ladder that players can use to climb to the top of the tower. The heist battle in Jailbreak, serving as a robbery for defeating the CEO. Originally located near the Rising City Garage, it used to spawn the UFO. It has been moved to the Military Base since March 24th, 2019.

Military Base Radio Array Oil Rig
MilitaryBaseRelocation Radio Array OilRigMainShot
Now located in middle of the Cactus Valley, it is the largest spawn, with built-in garage and armory. Located by the Military Base, the radios are purely cosmetic. Located by the Crater Coast, the newest robbery features four rooms and is heavily guarded by Bandits.



Current map

The current Jailbreak map.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2017.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2018.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2019.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2020.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2021.

Previous Jailbreak maps from 2022.

Previous Jailbreak maps in 2023.

Previous Jailbreak maps in 2024.


The thumbnails featuring the Jailbreak map.


Prison Maximum Security PrisonPrison Gun ShopPrison Police StationSecurity OfficeSewersVentsVisitors Building
Mountainside Town 1M DealershipCriminal LairDonut ShopGlider StorePet ShopModern Town HomeDunesMountainside Town Garage 2Mountainside Town Gas StationMountainside Town Gun ShopVolcano Criminal BaseWater Tower
Rising City BankCheater IslandCrew TowerCrime PortControl TowerHospitalJewelry StoreMuseumRadio TowerRising City Criminal BaseRising City GarageRising City Gun ShopRising City PenthouseRising City Police StationSecret Agent BaseToy Store
Rural BeachesBounty Bay AirportIce TrackLighthouseMountain Lookout and Jailbreak SignPirate HideawayPower PlantTomb
Crater City Crater City AirportCrater City BankCrater City GarageCrater City Gun ShopCrater City PenthouseCrew TowerCrown JewelFire Station
Cactus Valley Beach HouseBeach TownCoastline ForestOil DocksDesert HideoutMansionMilitary BaseOil Rig
Trading Island DragstripPhotodomeTrading IslandTrading Island Garage
Special Jailbreak Ban JailSeason Hypezone
Removed ApartmentsBounty IslandCrater City RacetrackEvent TowerIce StageJetpack IslandMcLaren F1 RacetrackNASCAR RacetrackMini Police StationMountainside Town Garage (original)Police HQPrison GarageRacing CircuitRB Battles RacetrackRB Battles StudioSpecial Delivery PackageUnknown Crate