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Not to be confused with the OG Monster Truck, Season 21's Grand Prize.

Did this thing get a makeover?

This vehicle has been remodeled, as its previous model was outdated compared to newer vehicle models.
Remodeled on: July 2nd, 2022.

The Monster Truck is a vehicle in Jailbreak, and was added in the Monster Truck Update of September 30th, 2017, it was the first Cash Icon1,000,000 vehicle to be added into the game. As the price suggests, it spawns at the 1M Dealership.

It received a model revamp in the July 2022 update, but its original model returned two years later as a separate vehicle, serving as the grand prize for Season 21.


The Monster Truck spawns in the 1M Dealership located in the Mountainside Town, making it easily accessible for criminals who have just escaped the Prison.

The Monster Truck is the one of the largest and tallest ground vehicles in Jailbreak. Featuring gigantic wheels and several seats, it can easily drive over most cars without crashing into them.

It is also the third-most expensive in the game, tied with the Volt, Black Hawk, the now-removed Blade, Jet, Sloop, and the Drone; losing to the Scorpion, which costs Cash Icon2,000,000, and the Concept, which costs Cash Icon2,500,000.

The Monster Truck once had the highest seating capacity in the game, being able to seat six people, making it great for teams. It now ties with the Raptor and Cybertruck, and loses to the seven-seater Sentinel, the eight-seaters Black Hawk and SWAT Van, the eight seater Goliath and the fifteen seater Prison Bus.

On June 30, 2022, Badimo announced a remodel of Monster Truck with an all-new design, improved off-roading, and a speed buff. Owners of the pre-revamp Monster Truck were given a free replacement.[1] The remodel was added to the game on July 2nd, 2022.[2]


Reception for the Monster Truck is negative, as most players favor other 1M vehicles due to their wants for extreme speed. Its launch and acceleration are not great, but the Monster Truck is great at most other things, including off-roading, being able to get over hills and dunes smoothly, as well as go over relatively large bumps and vehicles.

Despite the revamp and improved speed in 2022, reception remains negative. With the revamp, the top speed is faster than practical vehicles like the Model 3, Black Hawk, and Patrol. In this area it competes with the Rattler, Bloxy and Torero. Its launch and acceleration still are not the best, but reverse speed is also quicker than before, and also off-roads even better. It can goes over bumps and vehicles easily, but it can't climb hills at low speeds like the Volt.

Overall, the Monster Truck is an all-rounded vehicle when considering its stats as well as seating capacity. However, many prefer other 1M vehicles over this, which is subjective.

Toggle details
Top Speed
Reverse Speed
The Monster Truck has a top speed of 203 MPH, faster than the Megalodon, Goliath, and Agent. It is comparable to the Sentinel. However, it is behind the Torero and Rattler. The Monster Truck's reverse speed is 70 MPH, which is slightly faster than that of the Arachnid, but slower than cars like the Icebreaker and Airtail.
Launch speed is now slightly slower than the Ray 9 and around the same as the Crown. It can reach 57 MPH. Overall, the acceleration is quite average. It is not the fastest nor the slowest. It is comparable to almost every low and medium tier car except for the Model 3. It takes about 8-10 seconds to reach top speed.
Handling is now very smooth compared to its old handling. It can easily make sharp turns. However, it can bounce a bit. Similar to the Trailblazer. Off-roading is now similar to the Trailblazer, being able to climb up steep slopes and climb mountains. It still can easily drive over bumps, dunes, and even cars due to its massive wheels.
Braking is very similar to its old braking. Being able to come to a full stop in about 3 seconds. The Monster Truck has a durability of 150, which is higher than most vehicles. As with all other vehicles that have a health ranging between 125 and 200, it has a 7.5 second regeneration time.

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Top Speed
Reverse Speed
Quite fast, managing to hit around 180 MPH and beat most vehicles, and it rivals the JB8 and the pre-buffed Stallion. It’s also slightly faster than the Arachnid, Megalodon, Ray 9, and the Rattler. However, its slightly slower than the Beam Hybrid, NASCAR, Sentinel, and the Agent. However, it eventually slows down to about 145 MPH. But still, makes it tied for the 15th fastest vehicle overall and 10th fastest on sale in terms of top speed. Decently fast, it is certainly not the fastest nor the slowest either. Reverses faster than most general cars. It is comparable to many low and mid-tier vehicles. Top reverse speed is 51MPH.
Before the revamp, the Monster Truck was the worst of the game's land vehicles, with an incredibly bad launch speed of 22 MPH. Overall, the acceleration is quite average. It is not the fastest nor the slowest. It is comparable to almost every low and medium tier car except for the Model 3. It takes about 8-10 seconds to reach top speed.
Turning ability and grip are good, but the tall vehicle is somewhat unstable due to its tendency to tip over with sharp turns and high speeds. Like many large-sized vehicles, it has some trouble cornering in the Rising City to its massive size. The ground clearance is extremely high. It can easily drive over bumps, dunes, and even cars due to its massive wheels. However, it struggles to drive up hills at low speed, but this can be fixed by pressing V consistently however it is not capable on driving up on steep hills due to losing power quickly.
Stopping power is rather average when compared with most other vehicles. It's comparable to many low and medium-tier vehicles, especially the Raptor. No info



The Monster Truck after Season 10 Mid-Season Update of July 2nd, 2022.


The Monster truck after the Atmosphere Update of May 17th, 2020.


The Monster Truck prior to the Atmosphere Update.


The teaser images of the revamped Monster Truck prior to release.


The teaser images of the Monster Truck prior to release.


The customization teaser images of the Monster Truck.


The thumbnails featuring the Monster Truck.


Other construction images related to the Monster Truck.


The GUI for the Monster Truck.


  • The wheels are slightly taller than the height of a Roblox avatar using 100% height.
  • The pre-revamped version, which is the OG Monster Truck's model, is likely based off of Bigfoot 5, a popular monster truck in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
  • The revamped version is more fictional, as it does not relate to any monster truck in real life.
  • The Monster Truck's wheels allow it the capability of running over any vehicle in the game, except for the Cybertruck, Pickup, other Monster Trucks, the Firetruck, all helicopters, UFO, and the Ambulance.
    • Although they are meant to run over most vehicles, the Monster Truck passes through them because the wheels' collisions are turned off.
  • The Monster Truck used to have the Blade Rims as the Stock rims in the first few hours it was released.
    • They were later changed to the Money Rims.
  • In the 2017 Winter Update, when asimo3089 revealed a photo of a new feature, the Monster Truck that was in the photo had invisible rims. These rims were never added, but in the Winter 2020 update, the Void rims were added, which could've been obtained by owning the Season Pass and reaching Level 9 in Season 1: New Beginnings.
  • When the Monster Truck was first released, it only had two seats, but in a later update, four more seats were added.
  • Before The Monster Truck got revamped, it had a custom stock license plate, reading out "ICRUSHU".
    • "ICRUSHU" is short for "I Crush You". This is a reference to Monster Trucks' purpose, crushing cars and driving over large-sized objects.
  • Before March 2019, the Monster Truck's performance was far worse, with its top speed being comparable to the Camaro.
    • It was buffed in a later update.
  • Buying the Monster Truck allows you to use the Money Rims for free. This is only applicable for a stock Monster Truck, as changing the truck's rims will make you lose the money rims unless you own them.
  • When Badimo announced the Monster Truck revamp, he replied to someone's comment about the whereabouts of the Monster Truck in the near future with "He'll be back...⏰". This probably implies that the old Monster Truck will be making a temporary return. As of April 17, 2024, it was announced that OG Monster Truck will return as the Season 21 grand prize.[1]

Miscellaneous Trivia

  • The Monster Truck is the only Cash Icon1,000,000 vehicle that has more than one natural spawn color, spawning in red, green, grey and white.
  • The Monster Truck is the first Cash Icon1,000,000 vehicle to added in Jailbreak, before the Volt, Black Hawk, Jet, Sloop, the now-removed Blade, the Drone, Trailblazer and the Tank.
  • The Monster Truck has the highest suspension, regardless of how high other vehicles can reach.
  • The Monster Truck is a prime vehicle responsible for the construction of several locations in Jailbreak, such as the Secret Agent Base and the Military Base in the Desert/Dunes. They were also used to tow the Meteor and UFO from their original spot to the Military Base.
  • The Monster Truck is one of the fastest trucks in the game, being faster than the Cybertruck and Raptor, and rivals the Sentinel and Firetruck.
  • The Monster Truck has a three-speed transmission.
  • The Monster Truck now has the Rumble chassis after it's revamp.
  • The Monster Truck is the second vehicle where rocket fuel launches upwards, with the first being the Banana Car.
    • This suggests that rocket fuel is in fact, combusted in the engines which produces extra thrust instead of using newton's third law.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

