Jailbreak Wiki

Sign up and follow the guidelines to be a part of our community! Discuss with others, make valuable edits, and more!


Jailbreak Wiki
Jailbreak Wiki

By joining the Jailbreak Wiki Discord Server, you will must follow these regulations. Infractions may be met with punishments at the discretion of a Server Admin. A copy of these rules may be found in the #rules channel of the discord server.

Any moderator action can be revoked if requirements are not met. If a given reason does not appear here, it can be appealed or listed if needed. Valid temporary bans are non appealable.

To ensure that each individual in our community has a marvelous experience, we enforce a few regulations that we request you abide by.

Server Regulations

Regulation 1: Respect.

At Jailbreak Wiki, we expect that each member of our community treat others and staff members with utmost respect. Though you may have different opinions on a subject, we ask that you remain civil.

Regulation 2: Spamming.

We define "spamming" as sending multiple messages in a short period of time.

Regulation 3: Advertising.

We define "advertising" as sending links to other servers, or sending links to YouTube or other media channels. This rule applies to Direct Messages as well.

Regulation 4: Filter Bypassing.

We use Dyno to help enforce our regulations. Dyno has an advertisement and spam detection. Bypassing, or attempting to bypass will warrant a strike.

Regulation 5: Misusage of Bots.

Misusing any of our bots in a way that is disruptive to staff or others is not allowed. We ask that all commands go into #commands, and we ask that you don't abuse the automated systems.

Regulation 6: Arguments and Drama.

Arguing or starting drama with other members is not tolerated. We ask that you take up any issues you have with other users in Direct Messages, rather than in public chats.

Regulation 7: Mass Mentions or Staff Mentions.

Mentioning staff for no reason is an action punishable with a warn. Mass mentioning users is not allowed either. It annoys other users, and wastes their time.

Regulation 8: Not Safe for Work Content.

Not Safe for Work content is strictly prohibited here, and is punishable by ban. NSFW contains gore, pornography, racist or discriminative slurs, heavy profanity, and more.

Regulation 9: Guidelines and Terms of Service.

We enforce all Discord Guidelines and Terms of Service in our server.

Regulation 10: Common Sense.

As we only have 10 regulations, we ask that you use common sense. If it's not allowed in other servers, it's most likely not allowed here either. Finding "loopholes" in our regulations is not allowed either.

Additional Notes

Note 1: Discretion.

Staff members can take moderation actions upon any user at their own discretion.

Note 2: Verification.

To gain access to the rest of our server, you need to pass the verification system. Please use !verify in #verification.

Note 3: Custom Statuses.

All of the above Regulations apply to Custom Statuses as well, such as server links in your custom status.

Note 4: Change.

The Regulations and Additional Notes are subjected to change at any time at the discretion of our server. Please regularly review these terms to stay up-to-date.

Note 5: Agreement.

By participating in our server, you agree to all the aforementioned Regulations. Staff members may warrant any punishment, should you fail to abide to the regulations.

Thank you for reading our Server Regulations. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask a staff member. 


This is the first step for all users if you want to join the chat. If you have verified yourself before in another server, just say something in the #verification channel and the bot will automatically give you the role. For first-timers, follow these steps. For Staff Members, please tell any active bureaucrat your discord ID and we will give you the staff role(s).

1. Say "!verify"
2. Click the link given by the bot and follow the instructions given on the website.
3. If the "Verified" role is not given, retry or ask our discord staff for assistance.

For those who don't want to verify using the bot, send a message on a bureaucrat's wall with your discord ID.

Role Permissions

Certain role permissions & benefits will be listed here.

  • Verified

1. Receives access and chat permissions to the following text channels. "General, bot commands & wiki reports."
2. Receives access but no chat permissions to "memes" text channel.
3. Receives access and talk permissions to the following voice channels. "AFK, General, General_2, Music, Gaming-Channel, Gaming-Channel_2.

  • Premium

1. Receives access and chat permissions to "premium" & "random-stuff".
2. Receives permission to send files and embed links.

Premium & Active Members Role

To receive the any of these two roles, these requirements must be met:
Role will not be given if requested, staff will decide whether to give the role.

Active Members:Self explanatory, role will be given to active members.
Premium: Users with a good reputation, trusted by the community will be given this role.
If moderator action is taken against users with this role, they will have the role removed, punished accordingly and will not be able to receive it for at least 3 months. User will have to prove they can be trusted again before role is given.


The purpose of the channels will be specified in the channel itself. For desktop users it will be on top. For mobile users, it will be on the top of the members tab.

Whitelisted URLs

You may ask a server administrator (those with custom roles) to whitelist a URL.

  • roblox.com
  • twitter.com
  • youtube.com
  • youtu.be
  • twitch.tv
  • gyazo.com
  • prntscr.com
  • rnt.sc
  • discordapp.com
  • discordapp.net
  • wikia.com
  • fandom.com
  • steampowered.com
  • steamcommunity.com
  • soundcloud.com
  • spotify.com
  • facebook.com
  • instagram.com
  • kfc.com
  • ikea.com
  • mcdonalds.com
  • burgerking.com
  • dunkindonuts.com
  • google.com
  • bing.com
  • i.imgur.com
  • imgur.com
  • wikipedia.org
  • Strawpoll.com
  • tenor.com
