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The Rattler is a seasonal vehicle in Jailbreak. It was the grand prize of Season 4: Epic Adventures, redeemable for free after reaching level 10 through Contracts. It was modeled by ShadowSamurai720[1] and selected for Jailbreak by winning the season's Community Creation Competition.


The Rattler can be described as a rat rod with an adventure-themed twist. Its key features include the skull on the front, with glowing eyes for headlights; its gold-plated engine, with eight big exhaust pipes; and its trunk, styled after a treasure chest. The cabin is fairly standard, but the shift lever has a unique touch, that being the golden skull on the tip.

In addition to these visuals, the developers pitched in and gave The Rattler various particle and animation effects. When idle, smoke emits from the exhausts and skull nostrils. When accelerating or reversing, this changes to fire, and the engine shakes.[2]


Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
The Rattler can reach 205 MPH, which is faster than the Agent, Bandit, Megalodon, and Beam Hybrid. It is comparable to the Sentinel and Icebreaker. However, it is behind the Torero. Reaching a maximum of 72 MPH, it has above-average reverse speed, being faster than more than half of all the vehicles. It is comparable to Icebreaker or Monster Truck.
Launch is relatively good, and combined with its acceleration, The Rattler can be fast in short distances. It reaches 56 MPH comparable to the Macaron and Brulee. The Rattler's acceleration is very quick, even better than the Cybertruck. It can beat many vehicles in short distance, including the Beam Hybrid, Challenger and Volt 4x4.
Handling is very good, being able to move around sharp corners easily. It does get somewhat slippery during the rain. The Rattler is a capable off-roader due to its open-wheel layout. Ground clearance is excellent and can climb mountains.
Similar to La Matador, the Rattler can come to a full stop in 1.3 seconds, closely falling behind the Eclaire. With a standard health of 100 and a disable duration of 7.5 seconds, the Rattler is tied with many other general vehicles.

Update history[]

This information has been compiled manually. Not all updates, patches, or hidden updates may be included.

Update June 4th, 2021:

  • Added the Rattler.

Update June 25th, 2021:

  • Changed license plate from "G-042117" to "BY SHADOW".

Update September 4th, 2021:

  • Added custom text below the car's trunk, reading "RARE ITEM" to denote its limited seasonal prize status.

Update February 4th, 2022:

  • Made all exterior gold recolorable as a secondary body color.

Update July 1st, 2022:

  • Buffed in top speed.


Visual and audible media featuring the Rattler.

Current images of the Rattler.

Teaser images of the Rattler prior to release.

Other images of the Rattler.


  • Contrary to popular belief, the Rattler is not based on the Hot Wheels Bone Shaker. According to ShadowSamurai720, it is a Ford Coupe Hot Rod with inspiration from multiple other things.[3]
    • ShadowSamurai720 also stated that the skull on the Rattler was loosely based on the Demon Monkeys from the endless running game Temple Run.[4]
  • This was the very last submission for the community creation competition, posted at 1:59 AM CST,[5] about 9 seconds before the deadline. It got over 100 upvotes within the next 12 hours, and was chosen as the winner a day later.
  • The license plate reads "BY SHADOW" to reference its creator, ShadowSamurai720.
    • It originally read "G-042117", the same as the Interrogator's default license plate. This stood for Jailbreak's release date: April 21st, 2017 (4/21/17 in United States date format).
      • The previous license plate seemed to be a placeholder, and was eventually changed in a patch update on June 25th, 2021.
  • Most of the Rattler's animations and particle effects are client-sided, which means that only the driver can see them. To other players in the server, only the idle smoke appears.
  • The Rattler has a unique engine sound that it shares with the Bandit, as they are the only two gas powered cars in the game with mufflers.

Miscellaneous trivia[]

General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

