Jailbreak Wiki

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Jailbreak Wiki

See also: Category:Removed Content

Removed content is content that has been completely deleted from Jailbreak.


  • The information below is manually logged by users, meaning some content may not be listed.
  • This page is for content that is deleted and removed from the game. Technicalities like a limited item's "obtainability", every single previous season, and pre-revamp minor locations do not belong here.
  • Keep in mind these features may or may not ever come back to Jailbreak; if they come back, the page will be updated to reflect that.

Removed Content

Feature Description Added Date Removal Date
Police Camaro
A special variant of the Camaro that spawned only in the prison parking lot with hardcoded sirens. It was claimed to have a higher speed than a regular Camaro. April 21, 2017 December 23, 2017
Radio Station
Radio Tower
A location that was demolished in the Hypno Rims Mini-Update. The location of where the Radio Station once was is now the Museum. April 21, 2017 June 13, 2018
Old Textures
The original textures for vehicles on the release of Jailbreak. Those who still owned them on removal were refunded. April 21, 2017 July 5, 2017
Feedback Button
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A GUI that allowed players to send feedback/message to the developers. it was quickly removed due to abuse. April 21, 2017 April 22, 2017
Grass Decals
Vertical-standing grass decals that would spawn and despawn at random points on the ground. They were completely replaced by the Roblox grass feature added in the Cybertruck Update. April 21, 2017 January 5, 2020
Old Weapon Meshes
Old Shotgun model
The original weapon meshes present on the release of Jailbreak. April 21, 2017 June 24, 2017
Extra Storage Gamepass
Gamepass that gave players two slots in the Bed drawers in Prison cells. Removed due to lack of use. Players who still owned this gamepass on removal were awarded the Spare Tire Spoiler. April 21, 2017 October 2, 2018
Daily missions
Missions for police and prisoners/criminals that changed daily. Completion of these missions gave the player Cash Icon2,000 (Cash Icon2,400 with VIP). This would later be replaced by Contracts and the new seasonal system. May 28, 2017 May 3, 2020
Colored Donuts
Donuts would appear in random colors when held. They were eventually changed to appear only in pink. June 18, 2017 August 14, 2018
Found in the Rising City, apartments were buildings where players could have rented, customized, threw parties and housed Crews. Apartments were removed, while the downtown apartment has been replaced with the Rising City Penthouse. July 19, 2017 April 29, 2023
Extra Apartments
Two extra apartments in the city. They were removed due to performance issues. July 19, 2017 Sometime in 2017
Starter Pack
A starter pack costing GoldenRobux399, removed in the Nukes Update. Once purchased, it would give players Cash Icon4,500, the Peach texture and the Pickup. It could have only been purchased within the first 24 hours of playing the game. It was removed due to its insane pricing (bad price-to-perks ratio), and Cash IconCash slowly becoming easier to gain over the years. August 13, 2017 May 3, 2020
Water and Ice pattern in the Bank
An old Bank pattern, which was part of the Bank Revamp in the 2017 Winter Update. December 23, 2017 December 22, 2018
Snow Weather
During the 2017 Winter Update, rain was replaced with snow. December 23, 2017 February 4, 2018
Ready Player One Event
An event hosted by Roblox. March 12, 2018 March 16, 2018
Alien Themed Map
Jailbreak Alien Map
A purple/pink and alien-themed Jailbreak map. April 1, 2018 April 10, 2018
Exploding Fence Escape
It was a short-lived escape route that was originally the exploding wall escape added in the 1 Year Update, which was moved to a fence behind the SWAT Van spawn. It was later moved back to the wall in the Sewers Escape Update. April 22, 2018 May 20, 2018
Visits Counter
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Visit counter that counts how many visits until the 2B Visits Update would come out. November 5, 2018 November 8, 2018
Lambo On Racetrack
A massive track that went way ahead of the height limit in Jailbreak. Reaching the top of it would give players a code, which gave Cash Icon5,000. May 4, 2019 May 6, 2019
A ship that was located in the river near the Cheater Island, which contained a box. Once it left, it dropped off the box containing the Sword. July 14, 2019 September 1, 2019
Time Countdown
Countdown Timer Day
Countdown to the 3 Year Live Event. The countdown returned before the Tomb's addition, but it was removed again after the Tomb came along. March 28, 2020 April 4, 2020
Old Season & XP System
From the start of Season 1 to the end of the uncapped leveling months, Jailbreak used a 50-level system for each season, where players would get XP by performing robberies, arrests, and other miscellaneous tasks. This system included the original Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, and Season 4. December 22, 2018 December 20, 2020
Most Wanted Barrack
The Most Wanted Barrack was partially destroyed during the 2020 Live Event. Removed in the Nukes Update, the Hollow Barrack was moved to its exact spot. It was replaced by the Bounty Island and later the Maximum Security Prison which now serves as a Prison for the most wanted Criminals, AKA anyone with Cash Icon3,500 or more bounty. March 24, 2019 May 3, 2020
3 Year Live Event Replay
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This replay used to be found in the Control Tower after the event concluded, and was for VIP servers only. It was supposed to be removed after 2 weeks but was removed 2 months later. April 4, 2020 June 7, 2020
A Cash Icon1,000,000 vehicle that was removed for unknown reasons, possibly due to copyright infringement. Players were refunded their cash back the next day after it was removed. The Drone replaced the Blade in the November 2020 Update. August 2, 2020 October 6, 2020
RB Battles Event Season 2
An event hosted by Roblox during Season 2 of RB Battles. November 16, 2020 December 20, 2020
RB Battles Studio
A building previously located in the Rising City that was featured in Season 2 of the RB Battles Event. November 29, 2020 December 20, 2020
Piggy Crossover
Jailbreak had a crossover with Piggy, a Granny inspired survival horror game that had risen in popularity in 2020. From 9:30 PM - 11:45 PM, Piggy would appear in the sewers, and the player would be awarded the Piggy Rims if killed by it. May 3, 2020 February 6, 2021
Special Delivery Package
A package found at an intersection in the Rising City, being initially sealed up. When it opened, the Agent was revealed, and spawned there for its availability. After the Agent went off-sale, the package was removed. April 24, 2021 May 7, 2021
Mini Police Station
A police station that was a spawn point for Police located between the Power Plant and the beach houses. It was removed due to the new Police HQ being added and due to performance issues. July 14, 2019 July 2, 2021
Gamemodes were minigames that could be played in Jailbreak servers. They interrupted normal gameplay and put changes on the game for a limited time. They were removed due to factors such as performance issues and overall poor usage. February 5, 2019 August 31, 2021
McLaren F1 Racetrack
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During the McLaren F1 Event, a racetrack was added in the Dunes, limited for a little under a month. Players could compete by racing around the track. February 12, 2022 March 11, 2022
McLaren Tower
McLaren Skyscraper
The McLaren Tower was added during the McLaren F1 Event, and housed the MCL36, the exclusive vehicle of the event. February 12, 2022 March 11, 2022
Crater City Racetrack
Crater Racetrack
A racetrack was added at the edge of the Crater City, limited for about 3 months. Players could compete by racing around the track. April 2, 2022 July 2, 2022
RB Battles Event Season 3
An event hosted by Roblox during Season 3 of RB Battles. December 23, 2022 January 7, 2023
RB Battles Studio
A building located in the Rising City that was featured during Season 3 of the RB Battles Event. Players could complete the obbies inside to obtain the RB Battles Badge. December 23, 2022 January 7, 2023
RB Battles Racetrack
During the RB Battles Event, a racetrack was added starting from the Prison to the RB Battles Studio, limited for about 2-3 weeks. Players could compete races by racing around the track. December 23, 2022 January 7, 2023
NASCAR Skyscraper
A building located in the Rising City in celebration of the 75th anniversary of NASCAR. Players could purchase clothing and obtain the NASCAR 75 vehicle. March 10, 2023 March 19, 2023
NASCAR Racetrack
During the NASCAR Event, a racetrack was added in the Dunes, limited for about 9 days. Players could compete by racing around the track. March 10, 2023 March 19, 2023
Police HQ
The Police HQ
Added in the July 2021 Mid-Season Update, Police officers had an 80% chance of spawning inside the Police HQ previously located at the Rising City, rather than at other spawns. July 2, 2021 June 2, 2023
Prison Garage
Added in the Town Revamp Update (October 2020 Update Part 2), it previously served as vehicle spawn points containing the Interrogator, Surus, Deja, Patrol, and the SWAT Van. October 4, 2020 June 2, 2023
Hiding in Plain Sight Event
Added as part of a scavenger hunt, featuring a collaboration with Jazwares, it previously served as an event where players could obtain items from around the map and collect the Spyglass rims. July 19, 2023 July 26, 2023
Bounty Island Prison
Prison Island Preview
On a remote island, Cash Icon3,500+ bounty criminals were sent here after being arrested. High bounty criminals have since been moved to the new Maximum Security Prison building located inside the Prison. May 3, 2020 August 4, 2023
Unknown Crate
A large metal crate that was added in the 2023 Winter Update. It was used as the spawn point for the now-limited Carbonara. December 22, 2023 December 27, 2023
OG Jailbreak
OG Jailbreak was a sub-game for the 7 Year Anniversary Live Update. During the live event, players were teleported here via the time machine. Players later had the temporary option to teleport to OG Jailbreak via a button in the main menu. The game opened on April 20, 2024 and closed on May 11, 2024. April 20, 2024 May 11, 2024
SWAT Toy Event
Added as part of a scavenger hunt, featuring a collaboration with Jazwares, it previously served as an event where players could spray/clean graffiti around the map and earn the Cosmic Convict texture. Completing the SWAT Training Obby would award the SWAT Graffiti texture, exclusive to the SWAT Van. July 23, 2024 July 29, 2024
Ice Stage
The Ice Stage was a large piece of ice that slowly melted as players worked together to earn the total cash goal of 20,000,000,000 to unlock the Iceborn. December 20, 2024 December 29, 2024