Application procedure
The Jailbreak Wiki Staff Application Form consists of questions that applicants must answer for a chance to become a member of the Jailbreak Wiki Staff Team. It will be open for only a limited amount of time.
Answers made by applicants will then be reviewed by moderators, administrators, and bureaucrats of the wiki for opinions. Administrators and bureaucrats will then make the final decision based on the opinions given and select the most notable and suitable applicants.
The selected applicants must pass a 3-week trial to show their efficiency before becoming an official Moderator of the wiki. Inactive applicants and applicants who break the Wiki Guidelines during the trial are demoted on the spot.
Promotions (to Administrator and Bureaucrat roles) can be given to Moderators if they have greatly contributed to the wiki.
For users who send more than one application, only the first application will be taken. If spammed, every single application sent and subsequent applications by the user will be denied.
- Note: More requirements can be added.
Applicants are required to fulfill these requirements or their applications will be denied:
- Fluent in English.
- Have the Verified role in the Jailbreak Wiki Discord Server.
- Be active.
- Have a good understanding on the Wiki Guidelines.
Other criteria
Additional criteria to select the best applicants:
- Have a notable number of valuable edits.
- Have a clean (or almost clean) moderation log.
- Have a good reputation within the Jailbreak wiki.
- Not having a bad reputation within the wikis of the Roblox Interwiki Project.
- Coming from a time zone different compared to current staff members.
- Note: If you have any other questions, ask anyone of the Jailbreak Wiki Staff Team!
1) When and how long will the application form be open?
- The application will be open till the announced date when it is closed.
2) When will the form results be announced?
- It will most likely take a week. There will be some cases where it will take slightly longer than a week as we have to do further discussions. We will publically announce the ones who were selected, and if you were not among one of them, you can contact a bureaucrat in the staffing committee for the reason you were denied, but do not always expect an answer.
3) Who is reading the applications and making decisions?
- Moderator applications will be read by moderators, administrators, and bureaucrats. The administrators and bureaucrats will be making the final decision.
4) Do you get any kind of rewards as a staff member?
- No. Note that this is a volunteer job, and that you are not to do this for any virtual and/or physical currencies/items.