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This vehicle will soon become unobtainable, removing all of its natural spawn points and preventing it from being purchased, making trading the only way to obtain it. Owners will still be able to spawn and drive the vehicle.
Goes unobtainable on: .
Same face, different name.

The following Jailbreak vehicle or robbery has been renamed. This was likely done to avoid copyright, or follow Roblox community guidelines. This was because prior names took directly from real-life car brands or were simply not allowed on Roblox due to age restrictions.
Former in-game name: Stratos.

The Stormrider is a seasonal vehicle featured as the grand prize for Season 24: Winter Rally. Modeled by Ickleon37, this rally car has built in spotlights, an off-road suspension, and popup headlights.


The Stormrider is a vehicle based on the Lancia Stratos, a 2-seater car. The vehicle possesses 3 customizable body colors, similarly to the Carbonara and the Venom.

The Stormrider features pop-up headlights, with an additional 8 in the front and top of the vehicle. The top lights contain a beam of light that extends along the hood of the vehicle, being the first ever vehicle to have so. The vehicle contains vents on the front, a ducktail spoiler on the back and an antenna at the top, giving the car a clean and detailed look.


The performance of Stormrider is remarkable especially for an off-roader, and is seen as a good rival to the Proto-08 with its incredible acceleration, superb launch speed, handling and off-roading.

Just like Proto-08, the handling of this car is excellent having 1.68 turnspeed, but however it also has special drifting advantage that no other vehicle has, which makes it very worth it for a fun vehicle.

But just like Proto-08, this vehicle has weak top speed, being even lower than the Proto-08’s which can make it vulnerable in long distance chases to cars with higher top speed but however it can be easily countered if you try go off-road because this vehicle has remarkable off-roading and its strong drifting ability helps it to get away from other cars in city chases.

Like the Tiny Toy, the Stormrider has one of the fastest, if not the fastest possible tyre respawn time after a PIT maneuver, at 1.5 seconds, making it easier to escape the Police after being rammed as a criminal.

All things aside, the Stormrider is one of the best seasonal grand prizes in the game, and can also be useful for grinding, and it is recommended for players to grind this vehicle in both performance and fun gameplay wise.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
The Stormrider has a top speed of 197 MPH. This vehicle has a slightly higher top speed than the Beam Hybrid and the Shell Classic, but is slightly slower to the JB8 and Megalodon. The Stormrider has a reverse speed of 83 MPH. Slightly faster than the Eclaire and Concept, but slower than the Successor.
The launch of the Stormrider is an amazing 82 MPH in a single second, making this vehicle have the second fastest launch in the entire game. This vehicle outright beats launch heavy vehicles like the Power-1 and the Aperture, and is only surpassed by the Volt. With help from its launch speed, the Stormrider has incredible acceleration, reaching 150 MPH in only 4 seconds, and in 8 seconds it hits 180 MPH top speed, being better than majority of other seasonal vehicles.
The Stormrider has the turning speed of 1.68 instead of 1.4, which makes it one of the best in that stat, and doesn’t struggle much making sharp turns backed with its excellent drifting which no other car has. The turning handling is comparable to cars like Roadster and Proto-08. The off-roading of the Stormrider is astonishing due to being able to completely climb steep terrain with no problem, navigate train tracks, traverse dunes and being able to climb the Crown Jewel outer wall. It can even climb vertical buildings without much struggle.
The Stormrider stops from its top speed pretty much instantly, being comparable to brakes of Roadster and Proto-08, making it among the best in terms of braking. Just like most other vehicles in the game, the Stormrider has durability of 100 HP and with a disable duration of 7.5 seconds, being same as Torero.


Current images of the Stormrider.

Teaser images of the Stormrider prior to release.

Other pictures of the Stormrider.


  • The Stormrider is based on Lancia Stratos.
    • It is also the first Lancia-based car in the game.
  • The Stormrider was originally a Season 14 submission under the name of "Gust".[1]
  • The original name of this vehicle when it was first announced on Badimo's Twitter account was the "Stratos" before being changed.[2]
    • It also got some parts of its original design changed especially the spotlights and the back because it looked like 1:1 copy of its IRL counterpart and the developers have claimed they don’t accept any submissions being 1:1 copy of their IRL counterparts anymore.
  • Similarly to the ATV's former glitch, the Stormrider is able to climb buildings if one reverses backwards into the building, however a L5 engine is required.

Miscellaneous Trivia[]

  • The Stormrider is the second vehicle to feature working pop-up headlights with the Wedge being the first.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

