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Did this thing get a makeover?

This vehicle has been remodeled, as its previous model was outdated compared to newer vehicle models.
Remodeled on: July 2nd, 2021.

This article is about the the Cash Icon1,000,000 bike. For the seasonal vehicle, see Volt 4X4. For all other bikes, see Category:Bikes.

The Volt is a futuristic fictional vehicle costing Cash Icon1,000,000 in Jailbreak, inspired by Tron and also referencing asimo3089 and badcc's previous game: Volt. It emits a trail of light while driving, and was very well-known for being a buggy and hard to control vehicle. After the revamp, however, it became less buggy, though at the cost of a decrease in its usage.


The Volt was originally introduced in the 2017 Winter Update, but has undergone multiple changes since. Most notably, the Volt was given a complete overhaul in the July 2021 Mid-Season Update. This overhaul replaced the model with a community-created design by Tommyisdaboss, improved its driving smoothness, and patched many notable game-breaking bugs (camera-steering and driving over mountains).

After the revamp, the Volt is arguably harder to control, especially off-roading due to camera-steering being fixed. It is now more of a road-based vehicle, and is less commonly seen being used. Still, it is incredibly fast.

Overall, the Volt is a high-risk, high-reward that is a useful compact escape vehicle. While it is less versatile than its pre-revamped variant, it can still climb hills with relative ease. It is recommended to lower your speed when turning due to how hard it is to steer.


The revamped Volt is still an excellent vehicle well-worth Cash Icon1,000,000, but for different reasons than before. While its off-road capability has been reduced dramatically, it is now among one of the quickest vehicles on the road, with much better top speed, acceleration, and stability over curbs due to its new chassis.

Overall, the Volt is a good vehicle for both new and old players considering it's price tag and stats. It is recommended for new players as their first 1M vehicle.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
The Volt has a top speed of 215 MPH, which slightly beats the Firetruck, NASCAR, and Proto-08. Comparable to the Roadster. The Volt's reverse speed is good at 79 MPH, though it has one of the worst reverse speed accelerations in the game. It is slightly slower than the Concept and Eclaire.
The Volt has the fastest launch in Jailbreak, reaching 97 MPH within a second. It is even faster than the Roadster, and perfect for evading enemies. The Volt has the best acceleration in the game, gaining speed quicker than any land vehicle and reaching top speed within 7 seconds. It is even quicker than the Roadster, and by a very significant amount. It is comparable to the Jet.
Being a bike, the Volt's grip is very good, and it is able to make turns very easily. It has a good turning circle, and can make tight turns at high speeds. The Volt has worst off-roading capability in Jailbreak. It is even worse than the Roadster.
The Volt's brakes are quite slow, taking 3 seconds to come to a stop. Comparable to the Volt 4x4. The Volt's durability is its Achilles heel. With a mere 50 HP, it can only survive one missile from Jet and is comparable to other bikes in-game. Unlike them, however, its disable duration is twice as long, at 15 seconds. The Volt is among the most fragile land vehicles in the game.

Toggle details
Top speed
Reverse speed
Top speed placed 18th best overall, tied with the Jet and Blade at 165 MPH. It was slightly slower than the JB8, Ray 9, and the Monster Truck. It was slower than most vehicles. It was slightly behind the Cybertruck and Roadster but ahead of the Model 3, Mighty, Classic, and the boats/planes.
The launch provided a smooth burst of speed that instantly sent the Volt ahead of other vehicles, making it especially useful in short distances. It could beat any supercar and hypercar and was comparable to the Roadster. It maintained a constant acceleration to top speed. The acceleration from standstill to top speed took under five seconds, making the Volt one of the quickest accelerating vehicles in Jailbreak. The only competitors were the Roadster, Jet, and the pre-revamped Dune Buggy.
The Volt's handling was quite decent, apart from the fact that it flipped around even on some small bumps and stuck to buildings. When using the first-person glitch, the Volt could easily make sharp turns and was very agile. Due to its suspension having been removed to stop it from bouncing out on lower-end devices, it was granted the unique ability to climb up hills and mountains. It had among the best off-roading capabilities. It was best on Roblox-made terrains.
It had above-average brakes, taking around 1.5 seconds to stop. It was similar to the Torpedo. No info

Update History[]

This information has been compiled manually. Not all updates, patches, or hidden updates may be included.

Update December 23rd, 2017:

  • Added Volt, with hovering suspension.

Update December 22nd, 2018:

  • Made changes to chassis/physics.
  • Removed suspension.
  • Made Volt tilt while turning, like a real bike.

Update July 3rd, 2021:

  • Made numerous changes to chassis/physics.
  • Replaced it with community made model by TommyIsDaBoss.
  • Updated trail decal.
  • Added wheel animations.
  • Fixed mountain-climbing bug.
  • Fixed camera-steering bug.
  • Buffed the top speed, reverse speed, acceleration, and launch.
  • Doubled pit maneuver/disable times.

Patch July 5th, 2021:

  • Forced Volt to be level at all times to prevent it from flipping mid-air.

Update November 6th, 2023:

  • Added HyperShift trails to Volt.
  • Added Hyper particles to Volt.
  • Volt engine sound is now networked to other clients.



The Volt after the July 2021 mid-season update.


The Volt after the Atmosphere update.

Spawn Points[]

The old Volt spawns.


The Volt before all of the lighting updates.


The teaser images of the revamped Volt prior to release.


The teaser images of the Volt prior to release.


The thumbnails featuring the Volt.


The GUI for the Volt.


The Volt featured in testing.

Audio gallery[]

The idle noise of the Volt.
Driving forwards with the Volt.
Reversing with the Volt.



  • The Volt is a reference to a previous game created by badcc and asimo3089 known as Volt, which takes inspiration from the Tron film and its subsequent media.
  • The Volt uses the same engine sound as all three Teslas (Roadster, Model 3, Cybertruck), the Volt 4X4, and the Desert Crawler. When launching, the sound is different from the others, but when accelerating, it turns to the default electric vehicle sound.
  • The Volt's body color is always black and cannot be changed. The Body Color customization changes the lights of the Volt and the trail it leaves behind.
    • The color of the actual body can only be changed by using textures.
  • The player cannot drift on the Volt.
    • The button to drift was present on the Volt until an unknown date. Pressing the button did nothing.
  • The Volt used to spawn in the color of orange and grey which were removed sometime in 2019. It was changed to spawn in blue and black.
  • The Volt is the one of the two vehicles in the game without the ability to equip engine, braking, and/or suspension upgrades, along with Tank.
  • The Volt's maximum speed is 215 MPH, however it can break this limit on rails with speeds upwards of 240 MPH.
  • According to asimo3089 the Volt is one of the top selling vehicles inside of Jailbreak. [1]
    • When a limited vehicle is on sale sales of the Volt are cut in half.


  • Before the 2018 Winter Update, the Volt appeared to be hovering off the ground.
  • The Volt used to be able to perform unstoppable Bank busts for the Police, due to its small size and quick acceleration.
  • Prior to February 2020, the body of the Volt used to be reflective.
  • The pre-revamped Volt is featured as an emoji in the Jailbreak Discord Server, along with the Camaro and Eclaire[2].
  • Despite being an electric vehicle, the Volt once had noticeable exhaust pipes on the rear of the vehicle (the new model lacks these). It can also still use rocket fuel.
  • asimo3089 replied to a tweet, mentioning a possible delete for the Volt and a refund for its owners[3].
    • However, as he stated in another reply, it will not be removed. Instead, it, along with the Dune Buggy, will have a new chassis[4]. These are conflicting statements and it is best not to assume.
      • The revamp was finally confirmed[5], and was released in the July 2021 update.


  • When the revamped Volt was released, the front of it was heavy, causing it to nosedive when driving off an incline, then flipping over. This was fixed shortly after.
  • When the Chrome body color is equipped on the Volt, it will only be white. Similarly, when the Crimson Racer texture is equipped, it will only be red, lacking the black patterns on the texture.
  • Glitches like throwing the C4 on the wheel of the Volt can make the vehicle climb terrain with ease, and if the vehicle is hovering over the ground (this can be achieved by either driving underwater or changing the gravity to 0 with Private Server commands), the vehicle go at incredibly high speeds of 1,000 MPH and beyond.
  • The sitting animation on the Volt tends to break, sometimes displaying different (e.g running, falling) animations.
General BoxerCamaroCamperChallengerCrownClassicDejaFiascoIcebreakerInterrogatorLavioletteMightyModel 3PickupPoshPrison BusRaySemiShell ClassicShell Mark-5SteedSUVXRK
Super/Sport AirtailApertureBeam HybridBeignetBruleeCarbonaraConceptEclaireIcebornJavelinJB8La MatadorM12 MoltenMacaronMantaMCL36MegalodonOG La MatadorParisianPower-1Proto-08Ray 9RoadsterSnakeStallionScorpionSuccessorSurusToreroTorpedoVenomWedge
Off-road BadgerCybertruckDesert CrawlerDune BuggyJackrabbitJeepMaverickMonster TruckOG Monster TruckRaptorSentinelStormriderTrailblazerVolt 4X4
Bikes ATVDirtbikePatrolVoltFalcon S
Gamepass CelestialSWAT Van
Special AgentAmbulanceArachnidBanana CarBanditBloxyDeloreanFiretruckFrost CrawlerGoliathHammerheadLonghornNASCARNASCAR 75NASCAR FreePoseidonRattlerShogunStrikerTankTankerTiny ToyTow Truck
Black HawkBladeCelsiorCrew CapsuleDroneEscape BotHelicopterJetLiaLittle BirdStuntUFO
Watercraft CruiserJet SkiSloopSpeed Yacht
Other Bank TruckCargo PlaneCargo TrainCargo ShipPassenger TrainPolice CamaroPrivate JetStealth Jets

