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Weapons Button Fresh

Weapons are one of the many primary aspects of Jailbreak. Weapons have many purposes but are mainly used to fend off or defeat members of enemy teams, with each weapon having its own unique statistics. Weapons can also pop car tires and shoot down helicopters with damage, displaying grey damage output and orange if the vehicle has been disabled. Weapons can also be used to shoot down NPCs such as the CEO and his henchmen during Mansion boss fights or Airdrop Battles.


Weapons can be found in the Rising City Gun Shop, Rising City Criminal Base, Crater City Gun Shop, Mountainside Town Gun Shop, Rising City Police Station, Prison Gun Shop, Prison Police Station, Volcano Criminal Base, Security Office, and the Military Base. In the Fall 2020 Update, several weapons spawns were removed from their former locations such as Bounty Island, Cheater Island, Rising City Bank, and the Museum. A Pistol used to be found inside the Bounty Bay Airport Control Tower as well.

Items that negatively impact a player’s health and can be used more than once are considered weapons. This means that the Forcefield Launcher is usually not considered a weapon, since it heals and protects players, instead of damaging them.

Player hitboxes are enlarged from the original player size no matter how small or big the player is. This means that if a player aims with their crosshair anywhere near the player whilst not directly aiming at them point blank, the shot will most likely hit. These hitboxes are known as "Bullet Hitboxes." Plasma Weapons, explosives and environmental lasers use more accurate hitboxes to the player's size, and are seperate. Small avatars do not make the hitboxes smaller, as the game puts the player's hitboxes at default height if the player is smaller than the default hitbox size. This means that the player can shoot above the player with a smaller avatar and still hit them.

Pistols can be obtained by pickpocketing Police Officers, but this is uncommon and risky, as players have a very high chance of getting arrested by the Police officer. They can also pick up a dropped pistol from a dead Police officer killed by a Prisoner or Criminal.

All bullet firing weapons will create bullet holes. They used to ricochet off of surfaces, but as of the City/Weapons Update, they now create bullet holes. Bullets will also make different impact noises depending on material, such as metal and wood.

Most weapons have bullet/projectile velocity, meaning the bullet, rocket, missile, or drop-bomb will take some time to travel until it hits its target. This means that the player sometimes has to adjust their shot and timing to shoot moving or long-range targets. These weapons include, but are not limited to every bullet-firing weapon alongside the Turret from the SWAT Van and Celestial, along with the Missiles and Drop-bombs on the Black Hawk and Jet. Weapons firing bullets also a constant bullet drop, this scales on how fast the bullet travels. Bullet drop is noticeable on Shotguns, and almost non-existent on Sniper Rifles.

Weapons are capable of dealing "Headshot" damage towards the CEO. Headshots double the damage output for all bullet guns. Plasma weapons and explosives are incapable of dealing headshot damage.

By shooting a wall, you can damage enemy players on the other side of the wall but you do half of the damage. This game mechanic is called a "wall-bang". Certain weapons are capable of wall-banging a lot better or worse, this hidden stat is applied to every gun.

In the bottom right, a player will be able to see the number of rounds in the gun. Every time the player shoots, the number will go down. When a player has no more rounds in the chamber, the player will automatically reload their weapon. To manually reload the weapon if it isn't empty, the player must press "R" to do so. Players can disable and enable shift-locked crosshairs with their weapons by pressing "V". By default, the crosshair is locked to the center of the screen and the player is locked to look into the crosshair's angle. Disabled shift-lock allows the player to freely move their crosshair and interact with UI, but need to manually hold right-click to adjust the angle.

Players can adjust their aim-down-sights sensitivity to their liking, by clicking on the gear icon UI and sliding the button associated with the setting. By default, the aim-down-sights sensitivity is 100%, which does alter the camera speed at all. Players can only decrease this value to 10%.

Mobile and controller players have the ability to auto-shoot semi-automatic weapons like the Pistol while holding down the shoot button.

List of Weapons


  • Green price tags indicate that a weapon costs Robux.
  • Cyan price tags indicate that ammunition purchase is required.

Toggle Info

Pistol Shotgun AK-47 Rifle
Free Free Cash Icon15,000 GoldenRobux 425 (SWAT/BOSS)
2024pistol 2024Shotgun Ak47Square RifleSquare
Jailbreak's starter weapon, a powerful handgun, holding 8 rounds and deals 15 damage each shot. Jack of all trades, master of none. An affordable, and powerful pump-action gun at close range, however, it lacks in long distance combat. A reliable and powerful assault rifle, with a reasonable price, unlike the Rifle, requiring the purchase of a gamepass. A fast firing assault rifle, more accurate but less damaging than the AK-47. Respectively, only players that own the SWAT or BOSS Gamepass can access it.

Uzi Revolver Sniper Rifle Flintlock
Cash Icon25,000 Cash Icon10,000 Cash Icon50,000 (Requires Level 5) Cash Icon10,000
UziSquare RevolverSquare SniperSquare FlintlockSquare
This fast-firing SMG is best used at close to medium-range combat. It is a mix of the AK-47’s damage and the Rifle’s fire rate. A classic wild-western style handgun, powerful at all ranges, but its recoil may obstruct a player's aim. A powerful bolt-action rifle that is immensely powerful at long-ranges, however it is quite expensive. A unique, single round, but powerful pistol, but has the slowest reload time and the recoil tends to throw players back.

Minigun Plasma Pistol Plasma Shotgun Nerf Pistol
GoldenRobux 425 (SWAT/BOSS) Cash Icon50,000 Cash Icon50,000 $21.99 USD
MinigunSquare PlasmaPistolRevamp PlasmaShotgunHD NerfPistol
A minigun mounted on the roof of the Celestial, SWAT Van, Goliath and Bank Truck. It can be vastly unreliable at times. This unique alien weapon has the ability to penetrate the Forcefield Launcher gives this weapon a huge advantage to others. An alien shotgun that deals ridiculous splash damage up close. Added hours before the 2024 Live Event. A nerf blaster variant of the regular Pistol, featured as a virtual item that is redeemable from the Nerf Roblox Jailbreak: Armory.

Nerf Revolver
$21.99 USD
Another nerf blaster featured as a virtual item, redeemable from the Nerf Roblox Jailbreak: Armory, being a variant of the Revolver.

Toggle Info

Missiles Drop Bombs Grenade Rocket Launcher
Cash Icon5,000 Cash Icon5,000 Cash Icon500 Cash Icon40,000 (Requires Level 3)
Missile DropBomb GrenadeHD RockerLauncherHD2024
Powerful, but expensive explosives that are exclusive to the Black Hawk, Jet and Agent, and can be aimed easily. Bombs that are found on all helicopters. They are extremely unreliable, as they rarely deal much damage and can be difficult to aim. Grenades that can be thrown by players, and can deal high amounts of damage when up-close, though they are not useful during combat. A powerful RPG that fires rockets and cause fires. Although it is violent, the rockets are extremely costly and not recommended to purchase.

Nukes C4 Smoke Grenade
Free (at Level 10) or GoldenRobux 20,000 Cash Icon500 Cash Icon1,200
2020Nuke C4HD SmokeGrenadeHD
Jailbreak's most powerful and expensive weapon, requiring level 10 or 20,000 Robux. It deals 100 damage to all players (except the one launching it) caught in the blast and rewards all players with an exclusive vehicle customization. An explosive that can be placed by players manually and deal some damage to players when up close, and can ragdoll and fling players. Introduced in the March 2021 mid-season update. When detonated, it will spray a considerable amount of smoke in its surrounding area and obstructs player's vision.

Toggle Info

Baton Sword
Free Cash Icon20,000
Baton Weapons Pic SwordHD
Found only at the Rising City Police Station and Prison Police Station, this Police compliance tool, does not deal a huge amount of damage, but it does have the ability to give players a speed boost. Effectively a paid Baton available for Criminals, as it deals the same amount of damage and has the ability to give players a speed boost. Unlike the Baton, it can be found at dual-use armories.



  • Before the Boss Update on August 14, 2018 (releasing the new guns), guns used to be pretty weak in some cases. The Shotgun only had 4 shells, the Rifle only had 20, and the taser and handcuffs showed their "ammo".
    • However, the Shotgun dealt 45 damage per shot, making it very overpowered.
  • Previously, players were able to reload a weapon when they were not holding it.
  • Gun bullets used to be translucent, making them quite hard to see. Bullets have since been changed to an opaque yellow color, improving visibility.
  • While Minigun has poor accuracy, they have the second-fastest fire rate for any gun, only being beaten by the Uzi.
  • As of the City/Weapons Update, holding weapons will enable a mode similar to the built-in option of the Roblox system, the shift-lock mode, where a player's cursor (which will turn into crosshairs) will be locked to the middle of the screen and moving it causes them to turn.
    • However, pressing “V” or going into settings and disabling “weapon lock” will enable a mode similar to the old aim system, which is the crosshair is free to move around the screen.
  • Right-clicking or holding "Q" while holding a weapon will cause the player's screen to zoom in for aiming. While aiming, improves recoil control and bullet spread.
  • In the old weapons system, bullets would ricochet off walls.
    • This was changed to bullet holes in the City/Weapons Update.
    • According to the material shot, the pitch and bass of the gunshot hitting the item will fluctuate.
  • The first melee weapon, the Sword, came out in the Melee Update of 9/1/19.
  • Despite being classified as a weapon, the Forcefield Launcher is somewhat like an item, as it does not do damage, but instead acts as a tool.
  • The most recent weapon is the Plasma Shotgun.
  • The tenth weapon or item in a player's inventory will be equipped by pressing zero on a laptop/computer despite it being number 10.
  • Grenades can damage the user if they are not thrown.
  • When inside water, including the water of the Financing: Underwater Bank floor, the weapon aiming system will always be ray-traced and will not lock the crosshairs to the center of the player's screen.
  • If a player shoots at a street light or the door of the Cargo Plane, the bullet hole color will appear green.
  • Usually, the camera is locked in the middle of the screen and moves the screen with the player. This can be disabled by pressing V or going to settings and turning it off.
  • Before the Weapons/Items update (aka. BOSS Gamepass release), all guns used to be free. No one could use the Shotgun or AK-47 until they purchased it in Gun Shops.
  • Nukes are the most expensive weapon to buy, costing GoldenRobux20,000 or level 10.
  • The price of all weapons including full ammunition and gamepass required (both SWAT and BOSS) costs Cash Icon246,000 and GoldenRobux20,650.
  • In the November 2020 Update, a new gun menu is available for players to buy weapons and items, equip and unequip weapons from their inventory.
  • Out of the 17 weapons, 13 of them can be equipped in the inventory.
  • The Nuke is the only weapon that requires a specific level to be purchased.
Weapons AK-47FlintlockPistolPlasma PistolPlasma ShotgunRevolverRifleShotgunSniper RifleUzi
Melee Weapons BatonSword
Explosives C4GrenadeRocket LauncherSmoke Grenade
Vehicle Weapons Drop-BombsMinigunMissiles
Items BinocularsDonutEnergy DrinkFlashlightForcefield LauncherGliderHandcuffsJetpackKeycardRiot ShieldRoad SpikesSWAT PhoneTaser